3 - Frisk's Past

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Frisk sat on her bean bag chair in Sans' room. It had been a year already, and she stayed there. She really loved staying with Sans and Papyrus, they were like her older brothers that she never had.

"Hey kiddo, you okay?" Sans's voice filled the once-quiet room. "Yeah." Sans walked over and knealt down next to her. "You don't look okay." Frisk noticed she had her knees pulled up to her chest, and she was crying.

"No, no i'm not." She hugged Sans. Sans always made her feel better. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Sans asked her, hugging her back. "Okay." Frisk replied.

Frisk's Story:

Frisk sat on the raft, watching the ship sink. She was the only one who escaped. "It'll be fun!" Her parents told her. "We won't sink!" They told her, but they were wrong.

She could feel streams of tears falling down her face. The lady who rescued her from drowning took her to the shore. "I'd take care of you, but i'm always busy. I'm sorry, i'll take you to an orphanage." The woman said. Frisk nodded, wrapping the towel around herself, and taking the woman's hand as if she was her mother.

Frisk went inside, and the orphanage care-taker made her a bed. The orphans laughed at her and mocked her, and bullied her. She only had one friend, Marcus. Marcus would defend her, and save her from the bullies. Frisk was always so quiet, and she'd only talk to the orphanage care-taker or Marcus.

It was dodge-ball time. As always, Frisk was the last one to be picked. Marcus always walked around the city at this time of day, so she had to fend for herself. Everyone started whamming and throwing dodge-balls her way. She felt pain all over her body. Slamming, whamming, and throwing. Dodge-balls whistled across the pavement.

Frisk fell to the ground, pain surging through her body. After they stopped, she heard kids laughing. 

"Why does she even stay here?" "Doesn't she know we hate her?" "She looks like a boy!" "Frisk is a stupid name!"

The mean comments stung more than all those dodgeballs. She could feel tears falling down her face. "Aw, Frisk is crying for the first time! Not!" She sat up and wiped away tears. "Fine! If you all hate me so much, i'll run away! I'll go to Mt. Ebott!" She yelled, standing up. Everyone gasped.

"M-mt. Ebott? But the legends say if anyone goes there they never return!" Someone said. "Well then, i'll be the first!" She yelled. She ran off. She ran as fast as her feet could carry her. She ran to Mt. Ebott, even though her feet hurt badly. She ran to the top, climbing rocks, dodging trees and birds, and finally stood at the top.

"Frisk!" She heard a familiar voice yell. She turned around, and saw Marcus. He ran towards her, panting hard. "Don't do it!" He yelled. Frisk frowned. "Nobody cares for me! Nobody except you would care if i die! I've already experienced that stupid orphanage's rudeness for a year already, i don't want to any more!" She turned back to the hole at the top, ran and jumped inside.

"FRISK!" She heard Marcus yell, and she saw him over the top, reaching towards her. As tears fell from her cheeks, she silently whispered 'goodbye.'

*back to reality*

After Frisk told Sans the story, he sighed.

"I'm sorry Frisk. I never knew what you went through." Frisk nodded. "I just kept it to myself." She said. Sans hugged her. "I'm glad you didn't die. This place would've been so boring without you." Frisk smiled and hugged back.

"Thanks Sans, you've always been there for me." Sans smiled and backed away. "That's what I'm here for."

Frisk smiled. The two headed downstairs. Sans sat on the couch and Frisk sat next to him. Frisk curled up into a ball and Sans cuddled with her.

Little did they know, Papyrus was watching and took a picture.

"nyeh heh heh." He whisper/laughed silently.

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