2 - Timelines

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After Sans reset, Frisk and Sans started to forget the last timeline, and everything that happened there. The two just stayed as friends.

"Mooooooooooooooooooooom?" Frisk hopped on her mother and dad's bed, waking the two up. "Good morning Frisk." Toriel said, getting up and stretching. "I wanna go to Papyrus and Sans' house!" Frisk said, flopping onto the bed.

"And can i live there for awhile?" The 12-year-old asked, poking her head up. Asgore got up as well. "What should we say, Tori?" Asgore asked his wife. Toriel thought. "Maybe, but just for a little while." Frisk got up and started jumping on the bed. "Yay!" Asriel walked inside. "Hey, why wasn't i invited to the jumping-on-the-bed party?" He ran over and got up on the bed and started to jump with Frisk.

The four got up and Toriel made pancakes, while Asgore called Sans.

Asgore: Hello? Sans?

Sans: Hey Asgore, what'cha need?

Asgore: Frisk wanted to see if she could live at your house. You just saw her a few days ago and she misses you already.

Sans: *chuckles* Well, okay. You guys can come over for awhile if you want, and me and Papyrus can get her a room.

Asgore: Okay, we'll be over in about an hour.

*Call ended*

"Mom, i want some temmie flakes." Frisk said to her mom as she mixed the pancake batter. "We don't have any my child." She said, checking the coubards. Frisk sighed. "Okay."

After they ate pancakes, Asriel helped Frisk pack. "How come you get to stay with them? I wanna go too!" Asriel complained putting Frisk's neatly folded clothes into a suitcase with flowers over it. "Maybe you can have a sleepover!" Frisk said. Asriel stopped and thought. "Okay!"

Frisk changed into her blue and purple striped sweater, brown shorts, and brown boots. "Okay, i'm ready!" Frisk said. "WAIT!" Asriel yelld. Frisk looked at him. "You'll need this." He put a flower crown on Frisk's head. "Thanks bro!" She hugged him, then he helped her bring out her stuff. "We're ready!" Frisk said. Toriel smiled. "Okay, let's go."

The four walked out of the ruins and into Snowdin. They reached Sans' and Papyrus' house, and Asriel and Frisk raced to ring the doorbell. Frisk ended up getting there first, but she let Asriel ring it. The door opened, revealing Sans in his pajamas still. "Hey guys, come on in. Now i don't have to be so, bonely." Frisk and Asriel giggled, and they heard Papyrus yelling from upstairs. The four came in and they all talked. Sans went upstairs to help Frisk un-pack.

"So, we have an extra bed." Sans said, showing Frisk the little bean bag chair. "That's a bean bag chair!" Frisk said, and crossed her arms and smiled. Sans leaned over to Frisk. "Let's see how long it takes Papyrus to figure that out." Frisk giggled and ran over and sat in it.

Asriel came upstairs and helped Frisk put her things away. "Why do you have so many sweaters?" Sans asked as he watched the two children put away the clothes. "I dunno." Frisk answered. "Why do you always wear the same sweater?" Sans chuckled and went downstairs.

Reset ~ Sans x Older!FriskWhere stories live. Discover now