The Reason

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Rachel POV
     I tried! We were just too late! Dam (hehe) you Apollo! Why can't my visions come faster!? I still remember how it all happened........

As soon as I heard Piper was awake I got excited. I wanted to see her. But instead I saw something a bit unsettling.....
Piper was going to be getting dizzy and falling asleep. But as she slept her coma-side-effects would start to kick in. She would begin to slowly lose her memory! I ran to the big house to tell Chiron! I quickly explained, and he called everyone to the big house. Piper wasn't there! Annabeth told me she went to sleep, and I ran for the Aphrodite cabin to wake her up! I had to be careful when I woke her up, or other side-effects would happen. When she opened her eyes I could tell. We were too late.
Flashback Over

Chiron got all of us back to the big house and made everyone sit as he explained.

"wow" Leo said
"We just got her back!"

Jason looked like he was about to die. He looked all sad and depressed but said nothing. Annabeth had a determined expression on her face, as if she would do whatever it takes to get Piper back. As for me, I paced trying to see anything that might help us.

As far as I knew, there was only one way! And they were not going to like it.

Dun Dun Dun!
I am really enjoying writing cliffhangers! I felt like the story needed more drama, so...... Here it is! Sorry it's so short........

all rights to Uncle Rick

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