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Jason POV
I don't get worried very easily but when Piper went missing I had a heart attack. I don't know where she is, if she's in danger or what to do! She has amnesia too, so she can't fight. Yeah, still having that heart attack. We found out at she was gone at dinner.
"Food!" Leo screamed, and took off running to the mess hall. I rolled my eyes and jogged after him. We we got to the mess hall, Leo went to the Hephaestus table, and I went to the Zeus table. We saw Annabeth stand up and leave, probably to go get Pipes. She was gone for all of 2 minutes before she came back running, and looking very afraid. She went straight to Rachel mad they got into a long discussion/argument. I walked over before they could start to shout and heard their conversation.(the confusing part)
"But, where did she go?"
"To get it back."
"Where? What is she doing?"
"Sorry, but I can't say."
"Rach, you are really making life hard right now. What will Jason do?"
"I didn't see that part yet"
"What's going on!" I cut in.
They both looked at me. Annabeth sighed.
"Last chance to tell me where she is." She said looking at Rachel. "Before we break the news to him." She gestured to me.
"I said I wouldn't! I swore it on the River Styx!" Thunder rumbled. "See?" She asked pointing to the sky.
"What's going on?" I asked again.
"Oh no!" Rachel said, "Prophecy....." Her eyes turned glassy and green smoke emitted from her mouth.
"The sun of the sky shall go east to the dove
May he save her with the force of love
Be conflicted as she makes her choice
And hope to the Gods it ends in rejoice"
She fell over into Annabeths arms, and was dragged to her cave. Annabeth came back. When she said the words, "We need to talk" I knew it was going down hill from there.

Sssooooo......how's it going? Yeah I'm still here. I need to stop reading fanfic and start writing my own!😂 All jokes aside here it is! Hope ya didn't hate it! As for the prophecy.......I don't know what that was. But I will soon-hopefully and They can I interpret that for you. Also I don't own these characters they belong to Uncle Rick.

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