~ Spin the Bottle ~

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You arrived at your best friend Anna's house party and knocked three times on the door. You weren't really one for parties, but she begged you to come to this one.

"Hi!" She greeted you at the door. You smiled and walked into the living room. The house was already getting crowded, but you spotted an empty seat on the couch and sat down. Someone sat next to you, but you were paying too much attention to your phone until they began to speak.

"I don't really like parties that much," The person sitting next to you said. You looked up from your phone to see your crush, Calvin, sitting next to you. Your brain was scattered and you didn't know what to say.

"Uh-um, Yeah. I don't l-like parties that much either." Gladly, a correct sentence had formed in your mouth before you embarrassed yourself.

"Well, you look pretty bored," He said. "We're about to play a board game or something up in Anna's room if you wanna join us. We need more players I think. We'll be upstairs if you wanna come." He got up from the couch and winked at you before heading up the staircase. Your heart fluttered as you watched him walk away.


You walked up the stairs and into Anna's bedroom. A small group of people were sitting on her floor in a circle.

"What board game are we playing?" You asked Anna as you sat crossed legged next to her. Calvin saw you sit down and showed a small smile from across the circle.

"We're not playing a board game. We're playing Spin the Bottle." Anna smirked as she pulled out a glass beer bottle from a shelf behind her. Your jaw dropped as you let the realization sink in that you might be having your first kiss in 5 minutes.

Anna placed the bottle on the beige carpet and spun it. It landed on you. She giggled and kissed your cheek. You took a deep breath and spun the bottle hard, hoping it would land on someone you knew. The bottle started to slow down after a minute and eventually landed on... Calvin! You two made eye contact and both smiled a little. You both got up on your knees and slowly leaned towards each other as adrenaline surged through your body. You looked into his dark brown eyes one more time before he closed them and kissed you. As soon as your lips met, you closed your eyes and calmness washed over you. He sweetly placed his hand on your chin and pulled you closer. The group started to oooh the longer the kiss went on until you broke away and sat back down. Your cheeks felt hot when Calvin smiled at you as he sat back down across the circle. After everyone had been kissed at least once, they game ended.

Calvin met you downstairs after the game was over.

"Hey," he smiled and scratched the back of his neck. "You're a pretty good kisser. Here's my number... in case you ever wanted to do that again." He offered as he handed you a slip of paper. Calvin winked at you one more time before walking out of the door.

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