Linger On Dear

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You smiled softly at Bucky, resting your chin on your shoulder to look at him. The twinkling lights that surrounded the room reflecting in his baby blue eyes, making them look even more spectacular, if that was even possible.

"You know I love you a lot right?" you whispered. He turned to you, a smile on his lips.

"Well you wouldn't have married me if you didn't so..." he smirked and you lightly shoved his shoulder. He reached out his flesh hand a tucked a stray hair behind your ear. You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes.

"I'm so lucky to have you," he murmured. You opened your eyes again, a grin forming on your face.

"I know." He placed a quick peck on your lips and opened his mouth to respond when a high pitched squeal filled the room. You both winced, turning your heads to see where it was coming from.

Steve held the microphone away from him, a grimace on his face. He chuckled lightly after everyone seemed to have recovered from the interruption.

"Sorry about that..." he glanced around, his eyes finally landing on you and Bucky. You had to admit, Steve looked quite ravishing in his Best Man tux. You smiled at him, "But, um, it's time for the first dance." He gestured to you and you stood up and made your way to the dance floor with Bucky.

The music started up as you took you place, his hands resting on your hips and yours around his neck. You were beaming, the adrenaline from saying I do keeping you from being nervous of being in front of so many people.

"You better not step on my toes Mrs. Barnes." he whispered so only you could hear.

"I'll try my best Mr. Y/L/N." You smirked and, began to sway with each other to the lyrics,

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singing in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me

You had decided on the song because he had heard it growing up and so had you. Though it wasn't the original version, and it was the cover by Ella Fitzgerald, it had significant meaning to both of you. It connected you both to your pasts. And, it was the song that played on you first date with each other.

You both sang along to each other, Bucky's voice sounding rich and beautiful in your ears. He pulled you closed as the next verse started.

Say nighty-night and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me

On the line of kiss me you leaned up and gave him a smooch, which was answered by shouts from the people watching. You chuckled and rested your head against his chest, the remnants of a smile still on your lips. Bucky craned his neck slightly, dropping his head on top of yours.

Stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this

"You know, I really am craving one more kiss doll," Bucky spoke. You hummed.

"Hm, maybe," you replied as he pulled you away and twirled you. You dress fanned out at your feet and as you came to a halt, you nearly tripped on it. Thankfully, Bucky reacted quickly, steadying you before you could fall. Chuckles arose around you and your cheeks turned a bright shade of pink.

"Dork," he muttered, shaking his head, his hold around your waist tighten.

"You love me," you said in a sing-song tone.

"Maybe," he said, mocking you answer from earlier.

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me

You looked up at him, the love you had for him undoubtedly showing through every part of you. You sang along with the lyrics this time while Bucky listened, He could've listened to you all day. You didn't think your voice was anything special, but he did.

Ella's voice filled the room, making you feel as if it were only you and Bucky. You began to dread the next few verses, which signified the dance was coming to an end.

Stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this

You rested you head back on his chest and shut your eyes, savoring the moment. Bucky smiled down at you, so glad to be able to finally call you his wife.

Sweet dreams, till sunbeams find you
Gotta keep dreaming leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
You gotta make me a promise, promise to me
You'll dream, dream a little of me

Bucky twirled you around one last time and dipped and scooped you as the last line played. You squealed in surprise and then erupted in giggles. Bucky grinned at you and then pulled you up, laughing as well. People around you clapped and whistled.

The next song started and people began to crowd onto the dance floor, the room suddenly filled with energy. But all you and Bucky did was stare at one another, practically with hearts in your eyes. You couldn't wait to spend your life with him.

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