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A ring echoed through your apartment and you slowly made eye contact with Bucky. You both raced to the door, eagerly wanting to greet the last visitors of the night. Your boyfriend got there first, sending you a smug grin over his shoulder before opening the door.

"Trick or treat!" the little kids squealed, thrusting out their candy bags. You came up behind Bucky, resting your head on his shoulder to take a look at their costumes. A little girl, no older than seven was dressed as Elsa and two boys beside her were Captain America and Iron Man. Bucky dropped a handful of candy in each of their buckets.

"You know, personally," you spoke, looking at the boys, "I prefer the Winter Soldier."

"Me too gurl," the girl muttered and walked away. You felt your widen in surprise as the others followed her down the hall. Bucky closed the door and you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"That girl is my spirit animal," you whispered as he walked back to the couch, dragging you behind him.

"She is literally five, why on earth would she favor an ex assassin?" He muttered, dropping you down and sitting besides you.

"Kid's got good taste." You winked and he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, sure. Well, what are we supposed to do for the rest of the night?" he asked, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You chewed on your lip and looked up at him.

"I was thinking..." you began, leaning over the side of the couch to grab what you needed and set it in your lap. "we could try a Ouija board."
Bucky immediately shook his head.

"Y/N no, there is no way we are doing that. Steve and I tried it as kids and when my mom found out she had a priest come and bless the house."

"Come on babe, for fun. Pleeeeeeease." You stuck out you bottom lip and gave him puppy eyes.

"Fine, but if it starts to moves, we're moving out."

"Yes! Thank you dear." You kissed his cheek and began setting out the board on the coffee table. "Okay so you remember the rules?" He nodded hesitantly, kneeling beside you on the floor. The both of you placed two fingers on the planchette . You said the beginning chant and prayer and Bucky tried his hardest not to laugh.

"Shut up, this is serious," you hissed and asked your first question. "Is anyone here?" The planchette slowly began to move towards yes. "I swear if you're doing this James Buchanan..."

"Y/N, sweetheart, do you think I want a ghost in our home?" It finally landed on yes and you both quickly pulled your hands away. You pulled out your phone, downloading an app and then setting beside your phone. Bucky peered down to look at it. "A ghost tracking app? Really?"

"Mhmm, now, let try this again." You placed your fingers down excitedly, your boyfriend a little more reluctantly. "Okay spirits? What's your name?" The planchette moved from letter to letter. G. R. A. C. E. "How did you die?" You phone started to beep and Bucky looked at it, a word displayed in a box at the top. BAD.

"Awe hell no!" He removed his hands, shaking his head. "We're burning this board. Go sell your phone. I'm not about this life Y/N!" You laughed, biting the inside of cheek to try and stop. "I'm serious!" It began moving again when you convinced Bucky to give it another try.

"Do you want to hurt us?" It moved rapidly to yes. The phone began to beep again, showing green dots all over the radar. Bucky stared at it in

"Y/N," he whimpered just as the lights shut out, loud slams echoing down the hallway. The TV went blank, emitting white noise. Bucky yelled, grabbing your hand and pulling you up and dragging you from the apartment, down the stairs, to your car and to Sam's house. He seemed to always be taking in confused superheroes, Bucky assumed he would take you in for the night. Sam couldn't stop laughing as the both of you took turns explaining and you both knew he'd never let this down. But he promised to try and help solve the problem.

"We're moving out babe. We are definitely moving out," you murmured, patting his metal hand as you lay on the bed in the guest room. He nodded, turning to look at you.

"That was a stupid idea, hon."

"I know it was," you grumbled, crossing your arms, "But hey, maybe we can call a priest?" you teased.

"I hate you."

"Even though I set a demon loose in our home, I know you still love me."

He grinned, kissing your temple "Unfortunately."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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