Tubs of Love

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You and Bucky sat side by side, staring blankly at some dumb reality show playing on the television. Both of you were too comfortable to go find the remote, having been cocooned against one another for to long to be willing to move. A thought popped into your head and without thinking you told Bucky

"We should get a cat," he turned and looked at you, a quizzical glint in his eyes.

"Right now?" he questioned, his brow slightly furrowed. You shifted so you were fully facing him.

"Why not? There's nothing stopping us," you grinned as you saw Bucky slowly accepting the idea.

"Okay...Okay lets do it," he agreed. You smile widen and you hopped up, grabbing Bucky's hand and practically dragged him out the front door.

Bucky got in the passenger seat and you got in the drivers. He held your hand as you drove and kissed your knuckles. A smile appeared on your face and you glanced at him.

"I've gotta learn how to drive a car," Bucky muttered. You chuckled, turning into the shelter. "I've gotta ask," he started as you parked, "Why a cat?"

"I had one when I was a kid. It'd be like having a piece of home with me. Also cats are great and we probably wouldn't be able to take care of a dog like we'd need to." Bucky shrugged as he got out of the car with you

"True," you locked the car. You took his hand in your and you walked inside.

The lady at the front desk greeted you with wide eyes, probably surprised to see two avengers in the small humane society.

"How-How can I help you?" he stuttered. You gave him a kind smile.

"Could we look at some cats please?" Bucky asked.

"Of course. They're in the back. Follow me," he stepped out from behind the counter and walked off towards the back of the shop. You followed him into a small room lined with kennels. Mews instantly came from all over.

"Is there anything specific you're looking for?" the man questioned slowly, staying at the door as you and Bucky ventured into the room. You glanced at Bucky to see he was already cooing over a kitten. You smiled at the man and shook your head.

"No, Thank you." He nodded and stepped out, leaving you two along with the cats. You walked along the isle, scanning the kennels. Most of them seemed to contain small kittens. You stood before each cat, reading their information and speaking a few words to them.

Bucky seems to be having a lot of fun and had somehow managed to get three kittens in his lap. You grinned widely, the sight brought you so much joy.

You came to the far bottom kennel and knelt down to look inside. There sat a fat, gray and orange cat with bright hazel eyes.

"Now who are you?" you shifted so you were sitting in front of it. You looked up at the paper attached the the door. You smiled at her name. "Nice to meet ya Tubs." You chuckled lightly and read the rest of the information. "Wow, Six years old. You are an old one Tubs." Bucky came up behind you and set his hand on your shoulder.

"Who's this?" he asked as you carefully undid the latch, and slowly pulled Tubs out. She mewed softly and began to purr as you ran your hand along her fur. You were surprised how relaxed she was, considering cats weren't the most open animals.

"This," you looked at Bucky, "is Tubs." He snorted and smiled.

"She seems to like you," he spoke as he sat beside you.

"Well I like her too." You smiled at Bucky. He pet the cat, eliciting another purr. "I think she's the one Buck."

"I'll go tell the guy." He stood up and walked out. He returned with the employee. You stood up, Tubs still in your arms and began the adoption process.

You signed papers and payed the fee. And you somehow managed to convince them to let you carry her out. They gave you the small amount of supplies Tubs had and that was that. You guys now had a cat.

After a while of buying more sustainable supplies, you had settled back down on your floor off the tower. Tubs waddled around, scoping out the area and sniffing everything she could.

She finally settled on the couch with you and Bucky, plopping down in your lap. Bucky rubbed behind her head, resulting in a deep purr.

"I'm so glad we did this Buck," you told him as he wrapped his other arm around you.

"Me too, doll," he hummed. The door open and you both quickly turned your heads, still having not told anyone you had gotten Tubs.

"Hey, you guys know where-" Sam stopped mid sentence as his eyes landed on the cat. His brow furrowed and then he let out a deep sigh. He turned a walked out slowly. A moment after the door closed, you heard he yell very loudly, "They got a cat!" which was quickly followed by pounding footsteps.

Wanda appeared first, kneeling in front of Tubs, cooing over her like she was a baby.

"Can I hold her?" she asked, her eyes the size of plates. You nodded and handed her over. Wanda cradled her in her arms. "Your cat has strange thoughts Y/N," she chuckled.

Steve came in next, an incredibly confused look on his face.

"I heard there was a cat?" He inquired. You gestured to Wanda.

"There is." Steve knelt by her, stroking Tubs head. You noticed Sam leaning against the door frame, his eyes glued on the cat. "Why don't you come over and say hi, Wilson?" He shook his head.

"Birds and cats don't get alone," he said in the most serious tone he could muster. You smirked.

"Well good thing you aren't an actual bird." You waved your hand and he slowly walked over and sat beside you, a slight smile on his face.

"Whats her name?" Steve asked, looking up at you.

"Tubs," you answered with a grin.

The rest of the Avengers eventually came into the room to see this cat that Sam had been screaming about. You rested your head on Bucky's shoulder and he kissed your forehead, both of you more than ecstatic about your new addition.

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