Who's Dat?

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You sat at the table beside your small, two year old daughter, coloring pictures with her. Her chubby fingers wrapped around a bright green crayon and she began coloring Snow White's face with it. You chuckled quietly, resting your head in your palm, watching her with an amused look on your face.

She scribbled fiercely, holding the crayon in a death grip. You turned on your phone, checking to see if you had any new messages from your husband. He'd been out all day and had hardly talked with you. You sighed, flipping the phone over and turning back to the small girl.

"Look mommy!" she grinned happily, holding up the drawing. Her wide blue eyes sparkled and her dark brown hair danced around her face. She was a spitting image of Bucky, it was incredible.

"That looks so good honey! I bet daddy will love it," you smiled, leaning down to kiss her forehead. Just then, the front door opened, and in waltzed your husband. Your jaw dropped open as you took notice of his missing hair. He had done it. He had cut his luscious locks. It was now long on the top and short on the sides, similar to his style in the forties.

"How are my two favorite girls?" he asked, dropping his bag on the couch and walking over. You stared at him in shock, but he didn't seem to notice."Hello Doll," he murmured placing a soft kiss on your lips and then scooped your daughter up in his arms, tossing her in the air. She screeched in delight and began to giggle as he plastered kisses all over her face

He lowered her into her into your lap and you placed your arms around her. She looked up at you, her baby blues wide.

"Mommy, who is dat?" she whispered loudly, cupping a hand over her mouth, her two-year-old lisp changing the words. You slowly looked up at Bucky, who was frowning deeply, his brow furrowed. He crouched down to her level.

"Honey, it's me, daddy," he spoke softly, lifting his eyebrows and offering a small smile.

"No your not. Daddy has wooong hair," she told him, touching her own and holding the 'o'. He looked up at you with a slightly saddened expression. You pursed your lips, trying to hold back a grin.

You patted your left shoulder and he stared at you for a moment before it dawned on him what you meant. He removed his jacket, revealing his shining metal arm.

"Daddy!" she squealed, jumping from your lap and into his, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck. He chuckled, falling backward, hugging her back, a wide smile on his face.

"Thank you," he mouthed, sending you a wink. "How was your day sweetheart?" he asked looking down at the girl.

"It was gweat! I dew you a picta!" she told him excitedly, rushing to the table to grab the paper. She thrust it in his hands. "It's Snow White! 'Cause I know you wuv pwincesses."

You covered your mouth with your hand. Sometimes your daughter's cuteness was too much to bare. Bucky just glared at you playfully, his eyebrows raised. You shrugged, lifting your palms. He shook his head, looking back at his little girl.

"Thank you honey, I absolutely love it," he kiss her forehead and nuzzled her nose, eliciting a giggle from her.

Bucky stood, walking over to you as your daughter ran off towards her room. He took your hands, gently pulling you from the chair. You ran your fingers through his silky smooth hair.

"It's so short," you whispered, looking at the childish grin on his face. "She didn't even recognize you," you laughed "Oh my gosh."

"I know," he said, lowering his gaze for a moment. "Do I really look that different?"

"Well, I mean, you do look less like a burly mountain man," you smirked. He shoved your shoulder slightly.

"Shut up." You daughter ran back in with a blanket and teddy bear, stating that it was now Disney movie night and you had to start right away.

You all spent the rest of the night snuggled up with one another. Bucky holding your daughter in his lap and you nuzzled by his side. You looked over halfway through Anastasia (i love you if you know why i chose that movie) to see her asleep.

"You know babe," you murmured, keeping your eyes on the screen. "I think your hair looks really hot."

Bucky smiled at you sleepily, placing a kiss on your temple, feeling so thankful for his two girls.

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