Devious Cogent [{ poetry }]

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AN;; hello guys<3 Long time since i uploaded and many people have given me inpsiration to try and write a poem. 'Try' being the key word. Never written many poems before;; only those acrostic ones that everyone writes in kindergarton? cx Feedback and Advice is loved<3 Especially since this is basically my first 'proper' poem. I think i might keep updating this so this will be a book of my poems. I mean, practise makes perfect right? :3 Anyhow, here goes nothing. c:


Driftwood cutting my worn feet

Battered Jandles

Littered Hearts

Numbing cold shutting down my senses

Into the sifting line where the worlds part

Rain like transluscent paint

Pelting fire against my skin

Staining me

Yet it is invisible, so very faint

But to those who see with their eyes

Or to those who look within their mind,

The ones that are not plastic barbie,

See those harsh fingers whipping at my ragged hair

See it pulling at my scalp possessivly

Like I have no liberty over myself

Like I'm his


And Square.

Maybe I once was

Helpless, Lost, Torn

But now,

I'm In Control.

vote, comment, fan if you like it /though i doubt you will/

advice and critisicm is welcomed<3

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