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AN;; yay, another poem<3

I realised a problem with my poems;; I couldn't connect with any of them. I tried the whole depressed thing but it didn't work for me so instead I'm now trying to write poetry on what I know and how I feel. Still trying;; this would be my second ish poem so don't mind it being shizzz. On my iPod so don't mind spelling mistakes and whatnot. Constructive criticism is welcomed, your feedback on the other poem made me feel better<3 Tell me if I should just stop writing poems cause it isn't working out or if I should keep trying. c:

Earth is a giant snowglobe being shaken by an impatient giant

The seismic event startling dreams from their peaceful slumber

Torn cities lay exposed

Lives perished in the settling dust of rubble.

Tears ricocheted off your rosy cheeks

All mourning ceremoniously for a miracle

But to no avail, everyone's taken a beating,

The survivors taking the emotional whereas the dead took the physical.

Lightening ripped open the sky,

Edging clouds in silver,

Returning black, clouds billowed overhead,

Thunder snapped with the glee of a victorious killer.

So many wishes hurled

Into the coruscate pool of stars that night,

Some withered and chose to admit defeat

But you didn't go without a fight.

With a burning fire in your eyes.

Tell me what you think<3

and it's about a earthquake;; if I didn't get that across then.../facepalm. cx

Oh, and new name;; Devious Cogent. Sort of a oxymoron? :b

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