
134 16 23

All this greed,

All this longing,

Has everyone forgotten?

Has everyone forgotten that for everyone who gets,


Has to give?

Why all these sins enslave our race,

Forgotten problems others face?

Do you really believe,

That you're the only one?

Torturous lies, guilty concience,

Is anyone still alive?

Jealous fools, impulsive acts,

Has kindness ceased to survive?

Has no one realised that mistakes,

Are only there to learn?

Recocheted sun glistens off the blade,

That your tongue has become,

You slice, you tear and bring them down,

Until unrecognisable can fathom,

Have you really forgotten?

Ceased to believe?

From mistakes you can learn?

But soon enough you'll feel the flames,

And then you'll really burn.

AN: heyy guys(;

so yeah, I know it's been agesssssssss. 

But finally the holidays are here so I thought I might try and do some mor writing.

Tell me what you think, comments and votes and everything is appreciated<3

I've got a few more poems but I'm not sure whether I want to post them or not;D 

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