Ch. 3: The Date

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I woke up in Zane's arms.
I had forgotten I have stayed there.
As soon as I looked at him, he was smiling. I smiled back.
"Morning beautiful." He said.
"Morning, Zane." I say back, tired still. I cant believe I actually stayed at Zane's house.
As soon as we had breakfast, he took me back to my house.
"Where have you been Aphmau~Senpai?" Kawaii~Chan said.
"Zane's house.....?" I said.
"Ooo! You lovebirds!" Katelyn said, walking down the stairs.
"W-we aren't together.." Zane said, he mumbled something I would hear, I blushed and smiled.
I truly loved Zane.

•Time skip to afternoon (7:00 pm)•

Shoot! I had forgotten all about the date! I wonder where Zane is taking me..
I walked to my closet and picked out a cute purple dress that just about reached my knees.
I looked at my shoe options. I picked the silver ones with purple on them, they were heels. I went in the bathroom and made my hair all fancy, did my makeup, and put on some leftover things (perfume, jewelry, ect) and put makeup in my purse. I said goodbye to Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn and went outside and waited for Zane, hopefully he didn't forget.
I saw Zane looking down the street. I got up from sitting on the step. "Hey!" I said, hugging him.
"Where are we going?" I asked him.
"Somewhere you know." He replies. Where could he be taking me?

We walked to my car. He opened the passenger side door for me then went to the driver's side and got in and started the car.
I stared out the window wondering where he was taking me. I noticed the place we were driving by, it looked familiar.. Then we drove to a place surrounded by trees. It was the meadow. It was where I met the Ro'meave family.

I was chasing katelyn. Even as a kid, I did not care what went on around me, but I ran into someone. Katelyn stopped running and looked at me. "S-sorry." I studdered.
The boy? Garroth Ro'meave.
Katelyn and I followed Garroth to meet his parents. Well, parent. Garroth said his dad was on business. His mom's name?. Zianna.. His young brothers, Garroth, and the baby, Vylad. (Yes, he is a baby for MY story)
Zane looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Garroth asked if he could play with Katelyn and I. We said sure. Zane didn't look like he wanted to.

Consequences | A Zanemau FFOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz