Chapter 1

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Ellie's POV

"Ellie dear, breakfast is ready!" My mother yelled.

I got out of out and get dressed for school. I put a pencil skirt, a white shirt with a collar and slip ons. I went downstairs and sat at the table.

"Elle, your father and I are going out tonight." My mother said.

"Yes mother." I said.

I looked at the clock and it read 8:15. I got my bag and opened the door.

"Goodbye mother and father."

"Goodbye, come home straight away." My father said.

"Yes father."
I got into my car and drove to school. My parents are quite rich, they're not judgemental people, but they'll tell people what they really think of them. I've lost quite a lot of friends because them. But I do love them. I love metal music, but my parents don't know that. I park my car in the school carpark and walk inside. My school is the same as any other school, you have the jocks, the nerds, the cheerleaders, the outcasts, the popular people and the people like me who only have a few friends.

"Elle!" Rosie says.

Rosie has been my best friend ever since we were kids. We're in year 12 and we've been talking about what we're going to when we leave school. I live in England in the rich part.


"Did you get the tickets?" She asked.

"Yes I did!"

We screamed, everyone looked at us like we had two heads but we ignored. We're going to a Slipknot concert on Saturday night. I'm not one to lie to my parents but when it comes to my favourite band, some things can be changed. Rosie and I had English and science together.

The bell rings, we link arms and walk to class. We walk into our English room and sit next to each other. There are 3 rows of desks and it's a one person deck. Everyone arrives to class and we get our books out. Mrs Bloom is our teacher, she's probably the only teacher that I like. Rose and I sit in the middle of the room. The nerds at the front and the popular people at the back. Someone knocks at the door and they walk in with a cigarette in their mouth.

"Mr Bruce, you're late again." Mrs Bloom says.

"Oh well I didn't really want to come." He says.

Benjamin Bruce he's one of the most popular boys in school besides his 4 friends. He sits at the back with his friends. Denis Stoff, James Cassells, Cameron Liddell and Sam Bettley. They're in a band called Asking Alexandria but I must admit they are quite good. But they're still assholes.

"Miss Smith and Mr Bruce, could you both stay behind when class is over please?" Mrs Bloom says.
Really? Why?

The bell rings and I pack up my things. I walk up to the teachers deck and Ben stands next to me.

"Why do I need to stay behind? I have super hot girl waiting for me to go to class with." Ben says.

"Mr Bruce, I'm sure she'll live." Mrs Bloom says.

"What did you need?" I asked.

"Well, Mr Bruce is failing and you're my top student. I need you to tutor him."

"Seriously? I don't need this nerd to tutor me." Ben snickers.

I scoff.

"Mr Bruce, you can't finish year 12 unless you pass every class." She says.

"Fine." He says.

"Mr Bruce, you will go home with Miss Smith every day after school for next two weeks, if you don't, you will have to repeat year 12." Mrs Bloom says.

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