Chapter 13

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Ben's POV

These bunks are quite small sleeping with someone else. But it's totally worth it, I don't think I would've survived being away from her.

I tried to get out of the bunk without waking her but horrifically failed.

"Seriously Ben?" She groaned.

"I'm sorry beautiful, go back to sleep."

She looked up at me and frowned at me.

"What time is it?"

I grabbed my phone and read '9:30' with a text from Denis.

D- wake the fuck up Ben! We have soundcheck at 10!

B- sorry overslept. On my way

"It's 9:30, I have to go to soundcheck baby. I'll be back soon"

I kissed her head and ran to the bathroom to get dressed. I put on one of our merch shirts, black jeans and nikes. I just about to go out the door and Ellie called my name.

"Yes babe?"

"I love you." She smiled.

"I love you too baby girl. So much."

And with that I made my way to soundcheck.

Ellie's POV

I decided to get up and have a shower. I got undressed and let the hot water soothe my muscles. I washed my hair and my body. I finished my shower and dried myself. I opened my suitcase and got out some clothes to wear. I put on a floral skirt, a black crop top and boots. I put my damp hair in a loose bun and put on a little bit of makeup. I walked out of the bus and locked it behind me. I looked down at my phone and I had a message from Ben.

B- I had a feeling that you might get lost finding your way to the stage. I got a friend to take you. See you soon baby xx

I smiled and leaned up against the bus.


I looked up and saw Andy fucking Biersack standing in front of me. My god he's attractive.

"Hello, yes I'm Ellie." I said.

"Hi I'm Andy." He said and flashed his famous smile.

God his jawline could literally cut you.

"It's nice to meet you." I smiled back.

"You too. I should probably take you to Ben before he thinks that you're lost. He's such a stress head when it comes to you."

I laughed and walked with him. He's so tall, I look a midget next to him.

"So Ellie, since we have a bit of a walk ahead of us. Tell me about yourself." Andy said.

"Well I'm a big Black Veil Brides fan." I said.

"Great start." He smiled.

"Um well I live with Ben, when I first met him he was a massive jerk and my parents are complete, judgemental assholes."

"Wow that's um, I'm glad your not your parents and Ben's always been like that." He laughed.

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