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"OK is the runway clear?" I asked. We had built a runway so I could learn how to use my wheelchair and this looked 'fun'. "Yeah ready....set... GOOOOOOOOOO" Dally yelled.  I started rolling in the wheelchair. The obstacles included water balloons, traps that if you stepped/ran over one, a bucket of ice cold water would dump on your head. In 3 minutes I had completed the long runway with only slightly soaked. The guys patted me on the back while I wheeled myself inside. Darry had been cooking chocolate cake and was un aware of the activities that we were doing,and the chocolate cake was ready.I got the plates and forks out and no sooner than I did,the whole gang came running in.I sat down in front of the TV with my cake and started watching mickey with Two-Bit.  Then Dally turned it off. "C'mon Dall" me and Two-Bit whined. "Na man, we're goin to see a movie. No mouth from you" He pointed at me"You and you ya punks" he said pointing at me, Johnny and Pony.  I leaned towards Pony. "You get my crutch. I'll hold Dall and you knock him out. Johnny, you say it was an accident. " I whispered. Dally smacked my head. "NO MOUTH I SAID. I can hear you ya know!!!!!"  I groaned and finished my cake. Then we walked/ rode to the nightly double.  We got seats behind a red head curly headed girl and a brown haired girl. Dally tried flirting with her, but she right out smacked him with her purse!!!! The usher came and yelled at me Pony and Johnny for laughing so hard. "Get lost HOOD!!!!" Said the curly red headed girl so Dally did. "You know what guys, we should have brought my crutches, then we would have a quiet, nice Dally for once. The girl turned around. "Hey wanna come up here and protect us?" The boys went up but I politely declined. "Why not?" She said kindly. "Sorry, I'm in a wheelchair. " The girl looked sad. "Oh any ways, my names Sherrie, but my friends call me Cherry after my hair. " Charlotte. My friends call me Charlotte." Cherry laughed. "Hey I'm gonna get some popcorn, you guys want some?" They nodded. I  went over to the line and people let me through. I may or may not have run some peoples toes over though. I got the popcorn and repeated the process. When I got back, Cherry was asking about me. "Why is Charlotte in a wheel chair?" I answered for her. "Saved some kids from a burning church and then a roof fel on me. While it was burning." "Oh Charlotte I'm sorry."   "Its OK."  The movie soon ended and Dally showed up again. We were close to our  street when we saw the blue mustang. My hand hovered over the knife  Two-Bit had given me to protect myself. "Relax kid we just want to talk." Uh-huh. When Randy got a little to close to me for liking,  I ran his feet over and wheeled my self as fast as possible away until Johnny started pushing me.We heard him swearing loudly and we went inside the Curtis's house.


This took me a while to write so.......




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"Charlotte you are going to school if its the death of me!!!!!!!" Damn. I had done every thing in my power to persuade Darry I should stay homeroom school but he wont let me stay. I think it was the tiny snapping turtle in his bed that made him make me go to school. I was hiding in the big closet, sitting in the wheelchair holding a crutch for protection. Sunlight flooded my hiding spot when Darry opened thee door, holding his nose. "Hi Darry, you called me or somethin'? " Oops. wrong thing to say. "Charlotte you are grounded, no TV no stargazing and no pranking!!! I WANT THAT TO BE THE LAST TURTLE I FIND IN THIS HOUSE!!!. Now go set the table." I stood up on the crutches, I had gotten sick of the wheel chair and went against the nurses wishes. Johnny and Pony were sitting on the couch with Two-Bit watching Mickey. Without looking away from the TV, PonyBoy spoke. "Darry found the turtle?" I nodded grimly. "And I got grounded"  The boys nodded. Pony got up and helped me set the table. When we all finished, we went our separate ways. I went to my bed and played with the snapping turtle and named him Chomp. 

The Outsiders:Johnny and Charlottes StoryWhere stories live. Discover now