Chapter Seven

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Avery was still trying to guess their destination when Jason pulled down a familiar street and into a shopping plaza parking lot.

Avery looked at Jason, confused. "You're taking me to work?" she asked.

"Will you trust me, for crying out loud?" he said in mock exasperation as he parked the car in front Deep Cuts, the music store that Avery worked at. As she stepped out of the car, she could see Gary, the store owner, organizing some used CDs through the window.

"He's usually closed by seven on Thursdays," Avery said, confused. Surely she'd know if Gary had changed the store hours.

"Oh, that's odd," Jason said, coyly putting his hand up to his mouth. He took hold of Avery's hand and led her into the store.

The small golden bell that hung over the front door jingled as they stepped inside. Avery inhaled deeply just like she did every time she walked in. The smell of old vinyl, worn cardstock, and nostalgia filled her nose. It was the greatest scent in the world.

"Evening kids," Gary called over without looking up. Other than the fact that his bald spot had expanded in the past few years, Gary looked exactly the same as the first day Avery met him. He'd been running Deep Cuts for over thirty years, and Avery's mom had been bringing her there since she was a baby. She'd spent endless hours in Deep Cuts after school over the years,so it was hardly surprising when Gary offered her a job as soon as she got her work permit.

"You know more about music than most of the people that come through here," he'd told her.

Working at Deep Cuts was Avery's dream job. While the store sold new music, it was known throughout Massachusetts for its extensive used vinyl and CD collections. Whenever someone wanted to get rid of a collection, they brought it to Gary. And if folks were looking for something particular, Gary would find it, frequently importing rare editions from all over the world.

"Hey Gary, thanks for keeping the shop open for us," Jason said.

"Anything for my favorite employee and former employee," Gary said, putting a copy of The Cult's Sonic Temple in its rightful place, and then meeting them at the counter.

Avery remembered the day Gary hired Jason. It was the beginning of her freshman year, and she was working in the store after school one day. In walked a junior that she'd seen walking the halls at school. He was wearing a Megadeth t-shirt, and his shoulder-length brown hair hung over his face as he picked through the used CDs. When he brought up a copy of So Far, So Good...So What?, he barely mumbled hello as Avery rung him up. When she handed over the paper bag containing his CD, he looked at her and asked if she whether the manager was hiring. It was the first time she stared into those blue eyes. Jason had to ask her twice before she snapped out of it and called Gary up from the back room. A week later, she was training Jason, and the rest was history. Jason had worked at Deep Cuts until he'd started his police work.

God, I miss that hair, Avery thought, thinking back to the days when she'd weave her fingers into his locks while they kissed.

"Avery?" Jason asked, nudging her with his elbow.

Caught in a daydream, Avery flushed. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I said, are you still planning on coming in Saturday?" Gary asked her. "I know it's been a rough couple days." That was the best thing about working for Gary. He knew and appreciated good music but above that, he was compassionate.

"Oh—yeah, of course," Avery said, waving her hand. "I'll be fine. I'll be here."

There was a pause in the conversation where they all stood there, exchanging stares. Avery still had no clue what they were doing there. Jason cleared his throat.

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