Crazy me

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Crazy me

Lazy me

Snazzy me

Dazzlely me

A bit dizzy, a bit geeky

Sauntering along , singing a song

Of being weird and unknowable

A strange pleasure I get out of being so

A naughty streak it shows

Like to keep myself guessing too

Shouting voices inside that bide their time

Withdrawing when I feel so, my wish a dime

Snappy me

Sleepy me , crazy me

Sane me , insane me

Teary me, jeery me

Sloppy me ,globbly me

What not me's!

Love all the me's

You get what you see

You think I am crazy, ask yourself the same

Are you what you are , or all of alot of things at once

Does it make sense?

All this nonsense.

Silly me ,come on, humour me!

It's not all that bad....stop holding your breath

Still love all the me's!

You think I am crazy....

Get along with them real glad.

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