love's road....and me

98 21 24

A love spark......

enough to light....

passions. ...


systemic delusions. ...

and funny gesticulations. ...


Ah....the game of love.....

shy a dove....

does not fit like a glove. ..

makes one give up.....

needs help from above. ...


Then unexpected flip....

courtesy. .. Cupid's help

makes one trip....

love crazed.....

lose all grip........

heart beating like a blip.....

one second apart...real fast....


Till.. something happens ....

to make the spirits dip.....

leaving a prayer on the lips...

not....this time......

"Do not the love rose nip...

or the heart to pieces will rip"

and sweet dreams will slip......

then ....merciless reality will whip.........;)

. is. ...

the turns on love's road.....

so many emotions ..

jumbled and mad...

they ...offload. ..:)

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