Singing cloud and me....

102 22 41

Once I was ....hopelessly. .....

down in the dumps. ...

nothing would cheer.....

my burdens...hard to bear....

My world scattered. ....

hither and thither. ....

making me bitter......


Out on a fine day....

what do I spy. .....

a singing cloud. .....

mighty and high.......

a smile. ..equally wide..

musical notes....afloat. ...

charming tunes...

my ears tingled ......

the brain tickled.....

nearly falling over...

in my surprise. ......

strange are the ways......

of this life......


I jived a merry dance. ....

after is not everyday....

you get the chance ...

to see a singing cloud. .....

bursting out loud. ..

feeling so proud. ....


Crazy as it was. .....

left me wondering. .......

was it a dream.......

or the tunes in my head......

looking for a little drama ...

A singing cloud. ...?

What was that ....all about....?


All said and done. ..

it was fun.....;)

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