Crazy all

124 12 7

Crazy people all,

Part of the fall,

That happened at the pub in the stall,

Beers were responsible for that all !

Some crawled ,

Some bawled,

Some on the wall scrawled,

Some in weird accents drawled,

Some on the floor like fishes trawled,

Some were having a ball,

Crazy people all.

They had a whirling free for all !

At the pub in the stall,

In the mall.

Till they got a call,

From the police,

Sent them scattering like ,

Mice on rolling dice.

A pretty sight,

Stirred up a flight,

To get out of sight!

Where was I?

Laughing my guts out,

With all my might.

What a night!

So much fun for a few beers.

Crazy people all !

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