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So I got tagged by belaijaisamazing to do this. So here we go.

So here are 13 facts about me

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So here are 13 facts about me.

1. I'm in the 9th grade and it's already a stressful year. I have honors biology this year and we only have a semester to learn this shit. Kill me.

2. I love baking and cooking. Next week I am baking an apple cake with a caramel glaze on top for my church.

3. I am probably the most unhealthiest person in the world. I can junk food for a month and not gain any weight. I know that because I've done it before.

4. To go with number 3 I weigh 108 pounds. Yea I know I'm a twig. I can't gain any weight. I swear. I'll eat a cake, pizza, candy and sods all in one day and I'll still stay the same. I also have a very high metabolism too.

5. The last time that I lost weight was earlier in the year and I got sick during my spring break so I couldn't eat because I was hungry and is I felt like I was going to puke so eating was not going to help that. For a whole week I didn't eat and I went to the doctors to see what I had and when I got weighed I weighed.......106 pounds. I lost 2 pounds and let me tell you that it was a lot. My clothes couldn't fit me nice anymore. They were baggy. I easily gained those 2 pounds back when I got better the day that school started back up after spring break.

6. I love the Dolan twins so much. They are so perfect. (Just to be clear I love boysquad just as much as I love the Dolan twins) Ethan Dolan is my fav 😍😍😍😍 HE IS SOOOO HOT. If you think otherwise get out. Jkjkjk.....not. Him and his brother Grayson are just... I can't explain it. They were not born here and neither was boysquad. I believe that they were born in Eden and were transported here by aliens because Eden is perfect, they are perfect and the earth is not.

7. My favorite color is mint green. I want to repaint my room to that color and also have and accent wall of pink where I just put pictures and have string lights and tumblr and Pinterest the fuck out of my room. It's gonna be lit.

8. I wanna become a YouTuber. I have some videos up but their crap and they are from way earlier in the year. Please don't search them up. They are so cringy. I wanna restart it when I have a bigger room, actual camera, better lighting, a computer with photoshop and an editing software in it, and actual ideas. Right now I film at my friend's house. He has all of the equipment.

9. I used to dance. I mean I still do but only hip hop and contemporary. I'm not that flexible but you don't need to very flexible to be a dancer. I'm working on it though. It was Matt's videos that got me back into dancing.

10. I started writing books on here for fun and I just wanted my friend to read it. I also got inspired my sweetfadii to write. I never expected to blow up like this. Keep in mind that I've never written a book before. I write essays for school and that's it.

11. I kinda wanna get this book published. I wanna be an author when I grow up because I realized that I have a passion for writing(even though I have some writers block right now) I still love writing. Tell me if I should get It Happens published and we will see how far that gets us.

12. I wanted to be a lawyer but I realized now that I want to be a writer. I can express myself in books and I love that. I've met some amazing people on here. I never realized how much fun writing could be until I actually started writing It Happens. If you guys needs any advice on where to start out, ask away.

13. I like to make my chapters long. Between 800-1000 words. Sometimes I make them shorter because I'm in a rush and I need to get them out for you guys or I'm running out of ideas. I make them long so that you guys can enjoy them and you guys do.

14. (Because I'm a rebel) I take your feedback. If you guys leave your suggestions about what you want in my book I will put it in my book. Like right now for Beware. I need help coming up with an idea for the next chapters. It would mean a lot if you guys would give me suggestions. I will give you credit at the end.

So those are my 13(14) facts. Thanks for belaijaisamazing tagging me. IDK if I did it in a week or not but oh well. Now to tag my peeps.


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