East Los High

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So I've been watching this show since 2 in the morning today and I'm already like halfway through season 2. (Season 1 was kinda long and is not that great) Season 2 is so much better than season 1. But anyway, you guys need to go watch it. It's only on Hulu because it's a Hulu original. There is drama, dancing and romance and it's so good. I can't explain it. It's definitely for a mature audience because there some *cough* sex *cough* scenes but it's not bad like it shows the parts. It's safe but they aren't messing around with that shit. But if you have Hulu, you need to go watch it. And just skip season 1 if you want. There isn't anything good that happens. The real drama is in season 2. That's it. Hope everyone has a Happy New Year's Eve.

Love ya😘😘 

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