✶Peppermint Kisses✶

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 School seemed to fly by. With Jenna questioning my every move and Peter and Thomas being the two new students, things were quite interesting. After school, all four of us decided to meet up at a nearby burger shop.

Munching on an onion ring, Jenna kept staring at Peter. I wouldn't be surprised if a bit of drool escaped her lips. Stepping on her foot under the table, she snapped out of it and ate.

"So how are you liking class Thomas?" I asked.

Shrugging, he dipped a french fry in ketchup. "It's definitely fast paced. Really different from high school, but I think I can handle it."

"You're smart. You got this in the bag bro," Peter said.

"Thanks man," he replied.

"And as for me," Peter said as his eyes twinkled. "I'm completely satisfied with copying Thomas' answers," he said smiling like an idiot.

As the rest of us erupted into a fit of laughter, we munched and chatted.

"We should make like a study group," suggested Jenna. "Maybe at the school's library or something. It might be beneficial to our grades."

Thomas awkwardly shifted, "Eh, well I don't really learn well like that. I just have to keep rewriting and rereading things."

Jenna shrugged, "It was just a suggestion anyway. No biggie."

"Or we could go to the public pool," replied Peter.

"That sounds amazing!" Excitedly replied Jenna.

"Nope, nope, nope," I replied, shaking my head.

As Jenna and Peter shot me a look, Thomas nervously scratched his head. "I'm with Laney on this one. That sounds more like a nightmare to me."

"Wow, you guys suck," Replied Jenna. Peter shrugged in her direction and sipped on his soda.

"Well then, I guess we'll have to have another outing after our next class together. It could be 'our thing'," Jenna said, making air quotations.

And so we all nodded. We nodded to fun and new friendship.


Flashforward to midnight and here I was in my room, accompanied by my oh-so-annoying companion begging me to go fly with him. And so I was stupid enough to hold onto him and let him fly me to the ground. Thankful that my parents were heavy sleepers, I chuckled as we aimlessly ran hand in hand like a pair of toddlers.

"Where are we going?" I excitedly asked.

"You'll see!" He said as he kept running. Like a fool, I followed right along with him.

After running and feeling like my lungs were going to collapse, he smiled at me. "Ta-da!" Spreading his arms out wide and grinning like an idiot.

"Remember? This was the place where we had our last outing! Remember? We had a picnic and watched the clouds. And while I'm actually here for Thomas, I figured that you wouldn't mind watching the moon instead of the clouds? I hope you don't mind," he said as he awkwardly fidgeted.

Smiling toward him he shot me a puzzled expression. I picked up my feet and began to run to a nearby tree. Plopping myself down on the barren soil, I relaxed my arms behind my head and watched the moon glisten in its glory. The darkened shadows of clouds helplessly roamed about, floating freely through the atmosphere. Part of me was jealous that such inanimate objects got to have such an infinite amount of freedom.

As he laid beside me, his green eyes peeked over at me. "Are you still mad at me? You know, from the other day?"

Smiling at him, I chucked. "Seriously, when did you turn into Mr. Softee? You're seriously concerned that I'm mad at you?"

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