Bonus Chapter: BELLE

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Back in Neverland, I walked up to a brown desk to which The Council sat at.

"You called me back today?" I asked as I took in all of their faces.

"Yes we did," Spoke the man with brown hair. "We saw how you reacted down there when you faced him and we've all come to a decision."

A nervous knot formed in my stomach. What were they referring to?

"What decision?"

The man clasped his hands ever so elegantly on his portion of the extended desk. "You are not to go back to Earth. It seems as though your personal feelings have intervened with the operation. So thank you for your help Miss Belle. We appreciate it but we will need to find someone who isn't so....emotionally attached."

I felt so betrayed. I was the person who knew Peter the most! I knew practically everything about him! Who could they possibly replace me with?

"But I know Peter so well! Don't you think I should be the one to deal with him? He'll listen to me," I begged.

Please, just anything to help save him. Anything to keep him from falling deeper in love with that girl.

"And that is the exact reason that we need to bring in fresh territory."

" I beg of you. Please, I can help you," I insisted. Anything to get my Peter back. I needed him to be the way he was before, the levelheaded boy that knew his responsibilities. How could he let himself become so vulnerable for such an average woman?

But before the man could even answer, a cold chill took over the room. As soon as the door flew open, crystallized frost began to form on the floor tiles.

"You called?" Asked a masculine voice. Approaching The Council, the boy walked and stood beside me.

Nodding at me, he shot me a dashing smile. "Wassup Belle? It's been a while. Looking good girl," he said as he winked.

Then was when everything clicked. "Please tell me you're not sending him of all people." Slapping my hand to my head, I shook it back and forth. "He doesn't even have the maturity level that I do!"

"That's enough Belle," said a woman on The Council. Shutting my mouth, I glared them all down.

"Jack, we've explained the ropes to you. You've agreed to help us and we appreciate it."

"Of course," he grinned. "Anything to get a friend back."

Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms over my chest. "Which I tried to do but-"

"That's enough," said another man on The Council, stopping me in my tracks. If Peter's fate depended on Jack, I wouldn't have much hope to ever see him again.

"We send you out tomorrow Mr. Frost," said the head man of The Council. "We need you to knock some sense into him so we can give him his powers back."

He shrugged, "Or you can just change the rules? Make an exception? You are The Council after all."

"I'm afraid that none of us are willing to change tradition for one circumstance Mr. Frost."

Nonchalantly shrugging, his pale blue eyes scanned all the members of The Council. "Well suit yourself. Just a suggestion."

Looking at him, his eyes locked with mine. "He'll be fine," Jack reassured me. He better be fine. He better bring my Peter back to me.

Jack chuckled. "Well ladies and gentlemen, it looks like there's going to be quite an early winter this year."

© Lightning_Stryker 2016

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