Chapter 4: Assisting and Information

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Ayano's pov:

I returned to school on monday early so I could create some kind of plan to make Najimi more than just a freind in Churu's eyes. I glanced at the sky as I walked into the building. It looks like its going to rain soon. I should bring my jacket tomorrow. Now, about Najiuru-

Yes. I have a code name for them.

-Some of the people in my language project group know both girls. I bet I could get them to form some sort of arrangement. I opened my locker to grab my school shoes, but then I shut it.

No lock. Strange.

  I shook my head and reopened my locker.  "Yandere-chan! Yandere-chan! "A voice yelled across the hall. Yandere-chan?  I glanced over to see Gurin running down the lockers. " Uh, Good morning? " I asked tying my shoes. "You forgot your wallet, Yandere-chan," she said once she was next to me. I stood up and grabbed my wallet muttering a 'thank you'. I started to walk to the science club in hopes it might be finished. It seemed Gurin wanted to join me.

"You know I'm surprised none of the Revulry students stole your wallet while they were here," she said fallowing me. "The what?" I asked. "That's our rival shcool, their clubs have poor sportsmanship when it comes to competitions. It doesn't matter if they lose or win, the students trash the club rooms! Didn't you see them?" She asked. "I just got here," I responded. She grabbed my hand.  "Then I'll show you what their martial arts club did to the first floor!" She said and dragged me down the hallway. A few of the other clubs had their doors open and I saw a mix of boxes and lime green spray paint.

She stopped at the Occult Club. "And this one got trashed even worse!" She said. She let go of my hand which I then used to open the door. It looked like train wreak. The pentagram in the middle of the room was broken into thirds. The shelves were broken and their books were carelessly scattered around the room. The lime green graffiti was present on every side of the room. (Even the ceiling! ) Furniture was smashed and in the corner was a doll version of the club's leader hanging from the ceiling. " If you came here to gawk I request that tou leave," a student said picking up the books.

"When you'd get here shin? I thought you called in sick?" Gurin asked. " One: Oka called sick not me. Two: If you aren't here to help get out," Shin replied not turning to face her. " I'm not but Yandere-chan here is!" She said patting my back. He snickered, " Yandere-chan? " "It's Aishi and what are you talking about?" I asked turning to the girl of green. "You read the note on your wallet didn't you?" She asked pointing to my book bag. I furrowed my eyebrows as I pulled out the wallet. There was a small blue sticky note on it.

I have volunteered my homeroom class to assist with the unfortunate results of our martial arts club winning the competition against Revulary High school.  Aishi, I need you to help the Science Club and the Occult Club with the damage Revulary has done to the rooms. If you are unable to make it to your class on time hand the teacher this and she'll excuse you.
~Your homeroom teacher

I sighed. Shin chucked some books into the trash. "Do you have to stay?" He asked seriously. I nodded. He sighed. "Fine. First get that doll down. Then take any books that have messages in them that aren't apart of the printed ink and throw them away," He stated then turned to Gurin," You, may leave. Now. " She looked up at the ceiling," I will but, man, they must have had a serious grudge against you if they wrote Higaku is a twat waffl-" Shin threw a book at her face. "Get. Out." He growled. Gurin rubbed her forehead.

"Ow! Fine I'll leave. You don't have to be mean about it," she said leaving the room. Shin sighed and ran his fingers through his hair probably trying to calm down. He extended his hand out. "Could you hand me that book I threw at her? It was one that's not getting thrown away," he asked. I picked up the book from the floor and gave it to Shin. I quickly glanced up. Higaku must be his last name. He placed that book with a different pile of books. "You can get the doll now," he instructed annoyed. "I have nothing to cut it with," I informed him. "Then find a pair of scissors or a knife to cut it down," he said throwing away more books. I nodded and left.

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