Chapter 9 : Tension

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Osana's Pov:

The bell rang dismissing the students to class. I gently pushed Supana off of me. " We'll talk more during lunch okay?" I told her. She nodded and wiped her eye. "O-okay," she muttered. I walked away feeling upset for my freind.

For some reason, my ears perked at the sound of a very obnoxious voice. I over heard that Ronsharku chick, and I pushed Supana out of my mind. " Like how could anyone be so nasty? First she kicks Tama-kun, then attempts to fry Mr. Jazzy feet, and now Mei was saying she was with some guy 20 years older than her! God, who does this teacher's pet think she is?" She scoffed. " I heard she smokes, Mun. Maybe she's more like you then you think?" A different voice said. " Yes. All these phrases don't seem coherent at all," a different voice said. I recognize the other two voices. They belong to the Basu sisters, the two most well known students at school! If I can get them to hate blacktop, Taro will be mine for sure.

"All I am saying is you should watch yourselves around her. Someone who has a reputation like her shouldn't be trusted-LIKE O.M.G. Is that you Osana? " Ronsharku said running up to me dragging Sakyu Basu with her. Inkyu waved bye to her older sister. I couldn't help but notice her ring when she was waving.  " I Didn't know you had homeroom with us! " Ronsharku said. "I sit in the back," I said entering the classroom. "Well then let me introduce you to my other BBFL. This is Sakyu. Sakyu this is Osana," Ronsharku introduced us. Sakyu stuck her arm out. " Pleasure to meet you," she greeted. " Pleasure to meet you too. By the way, that ring your sister has on is very lovely ," I replied shaking her hand.

" Yes, our grandfather knew it was made for her,when he laid his eyes on it. He got me a pare of matching earnings, but they were to long to be worn at school. Such a shame," She replied. " What a shame indeed, " I muttered to myself constructing a plan to get on Sakyu's and the guidance counselor's good side.

"O.M.Geezeals! I just remembered I have a dentist appointment during lunch! Say Osana? Can you fill my spot in our clique?" Roansharku asked. "Oh dear, we wouldn't want to impose on you, with this being so short notice," Sakyu added slightly concerned. Hmm... Saying yes would get me closer to Sakyu ,therefore closer to Taro...But I did say I'd see Supana during lunch, and I don't like breaking my word... I guess Supana is a big girl. She wouldn't mind if I ditched her, after all, once I'm done, she may gain courage to confess to her crush like she promised.

" I don't see any harm done," I replied smiling. Roansharku clapped her hands. "Like, you are the best person on the planet! Thank you!"

No thank you...

Ayano's pov:

After guiding a very wet Yamada to the nurse, we went our separate ways to class. Other students shuffled to the side as I walked. Some were snickering. Others were making disapproving faces.

Did I accidentally put the wrong uniform on?

A member of the sceince club approached me before I stepped inside of the classroom. " Hey Aishi? Why aren't you wearing your eye piece? It's a requirement in the science club," she said.

Ah, that's why they were acting strange.

I stepped to the side, so other students could get through. " I am afraid I have no idea how to put the piece on," I replied. " You let the end rest on your ear and pin the top part to your hair," they informed me demonstrating the actions. I did as I was told. The purple eye piece set comfortably on my face. " Thank y-"
"Don't mention it," they muttered," ever." The club member ran off to join their class. I tapped the eye piece with my finger. At least I can take this off my bucket list. I sat in my set before the late bell rung.

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