Chapter 4

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Angie POV

I tried to build up my point to make things clear to him.

I asked him if he remembered people always telling him that I liked him.

He said yes.

I asked him if he believed them.

He said simply, I don't know.

How did he not know?

Maybe he didn't want to tell the truth?

I told him I was only asking so that I could build my point to what I have to say and so we were all honest here.

He finally admitted with saying "kinda"

German told me that he guesses that he could tell.

Alright, maybe you could tell.

I mean, I was kind of a chicken at times.

But, were relatives, but still.

Then I finally said this:

A: I have a problem: I still like you.

I don't know if he got anything I had just said.

After that message, i took him a while to respond.

Again, i may have been exaggerating.

Maybe a bit longer than the other messages he sent.

Then he said:

G: We are friends. I think your really cool.


Well, I can just accept this.

Tears had started to come from my eyes just waiting to see his reaction as well as the fact that there is a guy that likes me and i don't seem to feel the same way.

It wasn't what I expect, but i had a feeling that this would be his answer.

I had suddenly felt tired, but really didn't want to go to sleep.

I had texted one of my internet friends again.

She told me that he didn't deserve me and that he was so missing out.

This made me smile, because I realized she was right.

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