The video pewdiecry

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Felix me and cry were reading another fanfic
Felix how's it going bros my name is pewdiepie and I'm here with
Cry sup
Pewds really cry
Cry yes really
Pewds okay let's start
Cry okay
We start
Cry it was a warm day
In florida
Felix it's always warm
Cry true
I was walking down the street to see my best friend Felix
Felix HEY CRY I yelled out
Cry XD
Cry sup
We both went to game stop to pick up some games
After we left we went to my place
We got pizza and played games
I stared at him
He was perfect
Felix are you gonna rape me
Cry What
Felix you said I'm perfect
Cry I face palm
Felix cry what's up
Cry nothing
Felix you sure
Cry yeah let's play something
As we played I looked over and the red haired man I called cry
He's so mysterious
Cry Felix we need to talk
Pewds what's wrong
He only says my name when he's serious
Cry I need to tell you something
Pewds I bend my head to the side a little okay
Cry Felix I like you a lot and well your awesome and my best friend I never thought to say anything because I thought it would ruin our friend ship
Felix it wouldn't have cry
We hug
Felix I look at the script to see the next part
Cry I pause the video you okay
Felix yeah it's just
Cry just what is something wrong
Felix no just continue the video
Felix I look cry in the eyes
I kiss him
The end
Pewds thank you for watching and I'll see you dudes in the next video
Cry bye
After we end the video I go to cry
Cry you okay
I hold both of his hands
Felix cry I need to tell you something
Cry what's up
Felix I like you a lot
Cry you do
Felix I was afraid of what you would think of me I mean in books it's normal but sometimes reality won't take it as well
Cry I look Pewds in the eyes
He looks down
I pull his chin up
Cry it wouldn't have changed my mind
I pull my mask up and kiss the swede
He turns bright red
Cry you okay
Felix I'm so happy
Cry so am I

I hope you enjoyed
Stay awesome you fabulous people
Mkay out

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