Delitoonz I wouldnt mind it

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Luke me del and the crew are playing prop hunt
I always blush when I hear delirious laugh it gives me a feeling that I love and I love him but he's with Evan
Brock hey Cartoonz you okay
Ohm your really quiet
Luke yeah I'm fine just thinking that's all
After a two more hours I leave the Skype call
I look at a new fan video
Play song
Merrily we fall out of line
Out of line
Id fall anywhere with you
I'm by your side
swinging in the rain
Humming melodies
We're not going anywhere until we freeze
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid
Forever is a long time
But I wouldn't mind
spending it
by your side
Carefully we'll place for our destiny
You came and you took this heart and set it free
Every word you write or sing is warm to me
So warm to me
I'm torn
I'm torn to be right where you are
I'm not afraid anymore
I'm not afraid
Forever is a long time
But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side
Tell me everyday I get to wake up to that smile
I wouldn't mind it at all
I wouldn't mind it at all
You so know me
Pinch me gently
I can hardly breathe
Forever is a long long time
But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side
I wouldn't mind it at all
I wouldn't mind it at all
Luke sometimes I wish this was true but it's reality so it's nothing close to a wish
I hear a knock at my door
I go to open it
I see del with tears in his eyes
Luke what's wrong
Del Evan broke up with me
Luke what
Del what did I do wrong
Luke rage and anger fill my mind but then I calm down
I pull del into a hug
Del Luke your always there for and well thank you
Luke I'll always be here for you
Del can I stay with you just to be away from Evan
Luke sure
Del I smile
Luke wanna get your stuff
Del it can wait
Luke okay
We sit on the couch
We talk and watch tv
Soon I feel my nerves twitch
Del you okay
Luke yeah I'm fine
I turn away so he won't see my blush
Del Luke your my best friend why are you not telling me something
Luke some things you can't even tell best friends
Del Luke
Luke or else it might ruin something beautiful
Del I turn red
Luke I turn back around
Del I pull him into a hug
You know when I said you where always there for me
Luke yeah
Del I always meant it
I pull him to me and we kiss but then I pull back red faced
Luke I turn Crimson red
Del well um
Luke I pull him to a hug
You always got me
Del I always knew I did you don't mind me staying here
Luke I wouldn't mind it

I hope you enjoyed the ship
For delitoonz
Bye my ultimate warriors
Stay fabulous
Mkay out ✌️✌

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