Saved mitch x reader

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Y/n and f/n were out getting supplies night time came
F/n we have to hurry
Y/n yeah let's hurry
We run back but skeletons and creepers spawned way to quickly then I saw witches
F/n I attack a witch but then my sword breaks y/n help
I get hit with a harming potion
I fall
Y/n I attack things off and protect f/n but then my sword breaks
I'm on the verge of dying one heart left
I stand in front of f/n
But then I see a figure jump down
He uses his sword and kills off the monsters around us
He turns to me and f/n
Mitch you two look like you need a hand
He gives f/n a health  potion and then me some food to replenish my health
He hands use two iron swords
Y/n thank you so much
F/n who are you
Mitch call me the bajain Canadian
And with that he disappears

Part two let me know in the comments below
Mkay out

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