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The next morning
Cyns shop

I met with Alexis at my shop. We decided to get pedicures, and catch up on things since we've both been busy with our lives, and relationships.

"Oh my gosh Cynthia.... you're HUGE." Alexis said while running up to me and rubbing my belly.

"I know, I haven't told anyone yet, but I'm having twins."

Her eyes grew, as she gasped. "That's so exciting, have you thought of any names for them? What are they?"

I smiled looking down at my belly, and rubbing small circles on it.

"I'm having a boy and girl. I'm pretty sure, we're going to name our son Charlie, and I'm still undecided on what to name baby girl."

"Well.... Alexis Is a beautiful name." She said with the cheesiest smile on her face.

"It is but no." We both cracked up, as my workers started massaging our feet.

"So how's Erica? How is she taking this pregnancy? And have you talked to Joey?"

The moment she said ericas name, I started smiling so hard. Just thinking about her gave me butterflies, I was so in love with her.

"Erica is amazing. She treats me so right, I think she's excited for the babies, more than I am. She's changed so much, for the better of course . She's so romantic, and spoils me." My cheeks started to get red, from blushing so hard

"Aw you guys are so cute, I'm so happy for you babe."

"Thanks, so how are you and that guy?"

Her facial expression completely changed.
"Oh, we broke up."

"Whaaat? What happened boo? I thought everything was going good?"

"I just wasn't feeling him anymore. His goals and my goals, weren't the same. I need someone who wants to be somebody, and do something with their life. He was comfortable with just getting by, and spending all of his money to flex, and impress others. I wasn't down for that, so I had to cut him off."

"I'm sorry baby, you deserve better anyways. With those looks, personality, and brains, you'll definitely find something better."

"Yeah I know" we both laughed, and the workers finished up our pedicures.

"Oh shit." I gasped, holding my stomach.

"Cyn, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just not used to feeling the babies inside of me. I'm uncomfortable all the time, my skin feels really tight."

"Aw, that's normal. Your body has to stretch and prepare for two babies, love."

I sighed, and continued to rub my stomach. "Yeah I know, it's still weird feeling them in there."
Ericas studio

I was in my studio working with different clients. Business was poppin, I had a lot more work on my plate but it was worth it, especially since we were getting ready for the babies, I had all of my shit together.

"Aye mena, I need you to meet this girl. Her name is Destiny and her voice is crazy good." Victor (one of the talent seekers that work for me) said.

"Bring her in here, and let me hear her."

"Alright, she's down stairs making her way up right now."

Victor sparked a blunt, and the smoked filled the room, and I played around with a few beats, and we heard a knock at the door.

Opening the door, I stopped and stared at the girl. She was beautiful. She was light skinned, her hair was long and curly, and her ass was fat as fuck.
She licked her lips looking at me.

"Mhmmm... so you're the infamous Erica mena"

I laughed, "I guess you can say that. And who are you?"

She laughed, and bit her bottom lip. "I'm Destiny, but everybody calls me "dee" for short."

"Dee... mhm okay. Well Dee, step in that booth and let me hear what you sound like."

Destiny stepped in the booth, and once she was ready, she put her thumbs up, signaling that she was ready.

She started singing and my mouth dropped. Her vocals were out of this world good. Victors face was priceless, we both knew that she had something special. After she finished up, she walked back into the room with us.

"So how'd I do?" Destiny asked Shyly

"Your voice was ... wow... amazing."

Her eyes grew and her face lit up.

"So does that mean you'll sign me?"

"Yeah I will. We'll go over contracts and shit later. I just need you to start getting your social media stuff together, by deleting anything negative you've posted, and anything someone could use against you in the future. I know it sounds weird but trust me, these people out here are vicious and once you make it, they'll try to bring you down."

"You really think I have the potential to make it?"

"You're voice is great, and I'm a very well connected person."

She shrieked, and victor smiled.

"Okay, well I gotta wrap this up, I need to get home. I'm tired asf. Victor close and lock everything down."

"Uhmm Erica, can I have your number..."

Raising my eyebrow I gave her a funny look.

"Um yeah, sure I guess."

I grabbed her phone, and sent a text to myself.

Walking out the studio, I headed home.
"BAAAAABE", I yelled walking around the house. Cyn was in the bed laying down, I crawled in next to her, and told her about my day.

Slowly falling asleep, I heard my phone vibrate.

"Erica.... Erica get the fuck up now!" Cyn threw my phone at me, and stormed off into the bathroom, locking herself in.

I picked up my phone and the screen said "I had a great time tonight, we should meet up again 😋😋😋" - Destiny.
* - Lexi 💖

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