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                     We rushed to the hospital.
    Erica was unconscious, as we were in the back of the ambulance. I held her hand, and kisses it over and over again. "It's gonna be okay baby, I'm not going anywhere." I whispered in her ear.

    10 minutes passed by, before we got to the hospital. They rushed her inside, but before I could open my mouth to find out exactly what they were going to do with her, the nurses asked me to stay in the waiting room.

I waited, and waited, and waited , and waited.... hours passed by, until I felt someone tapping me.

"Hey babe, are you okay?" Alexis, asked me. I was shocked to see her. I didn't even realize that I fell asleep.

"Yeah I'm good, just tired , anxious and uncomfortable because the babies are kicking like crazy."

"Have you heard anything about Erica? How is she?"

"I haven't heard shit, and it's pissing me off because no one will tell me anything."

"I get it, I'll stay here with you to keep you company."



      I woke up and didn't know where I was, or what the hell happened. All I remember was crying, and taking some prescriptions I had got from my doctor.

         Realizing that I was in the hospital, I pressed the red button on my bed, to call a nurse in.

Two minutes later, a tall skinny, white woman in scrubs walked in.
"Oh good you're up, you've been out for a while. My name is Kathy. I'm your nurse. How are you feeling ms.mena?"

"My throat is dry.... what happened? Why am I in here?"

"That's what we've been wanting to talk about ... we had to pump your stomach, and our throat is dry from the tubes we had to put in you, to help your breathe.. your doctor will be in here in a few minutes to ask you some questions, and explain what happened while you were unconscious."

I couldn't even process what she said, I felt myself getting dizzy all over again. She checked my monitors, and left out the room to go get me some water.

A few minutes later a sexy white man, with blonde hair walked in. He was sexy as fuck, his eyes were Blue, and his teeth were really white

"Hello Erica, I'm your Doctor... Dr. Gosling, but you can call me Ryan."

"Well hellllooooo Doctor Gosling" i purred as I bit my bottom lip. Why am I here?

"You swallowed a lot of Tramadol... do you mind explaining what you were trying to do?"

I bit my lip nervously and stared off into space


Cynthia and I were not on good terms, ever since I was released from jail, she had been so distant. I tried being up under her, and she would move or walk out of the room. I would cook for her, and she would just leave the plate there and eat something else.

I bought her roses, gifts, whatever I could think of, and she would just act uninterested. I was getting fed up with her.

I started to working in the studio more, to get my mind off of things. Victors crazy ass always had me laughing, and our artist were really good. I was getting them booked for a lot of shows, and the money was coming in, it was great.

As far as the situation with destiny.... she still worked with victor because she was under contract but I didn't fuck with her.

Victors apartment
(Still in flashback)

"Thank you for letting me crash here, I really appreciate it Vic."

"No prob. You're like fam, you can crash here whenever you want."

"Thank you."

I hugged him, and I went into the bathroom to finish getting dressed. Tonight we were celebrating one of victors artist, that got booked for a full tour. We decided that we were going to go to Onyx. I've been to this strip club before a few times, but some of the rest of our crew hasn't so we were all excited.

After we finished getting dressed, we got in the car, and headed to the club.

Once we got into the club, everybody was in there waiting for us, in our own little section. It was lit like always. Beautiful females everywhere, with fat asses. We had buckets filled with ice, bottles, and sparklers on our tables.

   Everybody was just enjoying themselves. I pulled out three stacks of cash from my purse. Throwing 1's, 20's, 50's, and 100's I was having fun.

As the night went on, Victor and the rest of the guys were drunk. I was a bit tipsy but I could handle my own. I was vibing to the music when all of a sudden, this beautiful girl came and sat in my lap.

"Hey there beautiful, are you enjoying yourself?"

"Yeah I am, who are you? And why are you in my lap?"

"It's a strip club baby, chilllll. Let's have some fun and relax."

Her voice sent chills down my spine. Her accent was thick, like she was from the Caribbean or something. We sat and talked for about an hour, before she took me home.

End of flash back

"Erica... ms.mena are you okay?" Dr. Gosling said, as he tapped my leg

"Ye.... yeah.. I'm fine. Is Cynthia here?"


"Cynthia? My girlfriend?? Is she here? Where is she?"

"Oh the beautiful pregnant woman, with the huge belly? She's out in the waiting room. She was hysterical when they brought you in, so we kept her out, just to give you some space."

"Can you call her in here?"

"Right now isn't the best time for that. We have to figure out what exactly you were doing with those pills, and we need to talk about something else...."

"Something else like what?"

"Your sexual health .... do you know your status?"

I took a deep breath, because I already knew what he was hinting at.

"Yeah... but I just found out."

*excuse any errors - Lexi

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