He's back

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   It's been a week sense I've seen Laurance, it's been a week sense I've seen his beautiful face, and his dirty blonde hair. He hasn't been at school and I'm worried,  I'm hoping and praying that he is ok. I've been calling him and texting him non stop, he never answers. I want to see him, the boy I love, the boy who sat with me when I was sad, the boy that made me smile everyday. As I'm walking home from school, I walk pass his house, I can't help it, I have to see if he's ok. I walk up to the door and start knocking until I hear someone unlock it. A tall man that looks pretty similar to Laurance is standing there.
  "You, what do you want" he says in an angry tone that makes me feel shivers down my spine. But I get a boost of confidence "where is Laurance I want answers!" I say almost yelling. "He's not here, he, ran away after I told him that he couldn't see you anymore". I can basically hear my heart shatter into millions of small pieces that can't be put back together. "WHAT?!" At this point I loose control, "THIS CANT BE HAPPENING NO! NO!!!". I feel warm tears running down my cheeks as I start to run away. I run, I don't even know where I'm going, I'm just running away from reality.
  My heart is broken and it can't be fixed with out Laurance, everything seems to be in slow motion. Tears are stilling flowing endlessly from my eyes, now I feel like there is something missing. I feel like a part of me is missing, then out of no where, I feel a hand grab tightly a hold of my arm and pull me into a dark ally way. I gasp and I think about pulling away but I'm too weak and broken to do anything. "Shhh, Garroth it's ok, I'm here, please stop crying". That voice sounds fimiliar, when I hear it, it makes my whole body feel warm and tingle. I look up and what I see fills me with relief and happiness, I don't think I've ever felt this happy.
   I see big green eyes and dirty blonde hair, and I bright smile that makes the world around me stop. "L-Laurance!!" I pull him close to me, I pull him as close as I can bringing no space between us. His skin is ice cold, I can feel the goosebumps arise from his skin and I feel his body shivering in mine.
    The warmth of his body brings me joy and I feel like everything is normal again. I feel him pull away, but I don't want him to, I want to feel him close to me forever. "Laurance come home with me now your freezing" I hear his voice and it's soft. He grabs my hand and he brings me to his house, I want to cry just seeing him but for some reason I can't. I just think sense I ran away all emotions are gone, but now there slowly coming back.
  We are now at his house, he opens the door as I feel the warmth from inside hit my body. He runs upstairs still holding my hand and closes his bedroom door. "Garroth" I pause as I feel tears well up in my eyes "I'm so happy to see you". I start to cry, tears running quickly down my face, I feel the warmth of his hand press against my cheek. "I'm happy to see you too babe, words can't express how happy I am". My heart melts as I pull myself into an embrace in his arms. I then feel his soft lips press against mine as I feel his hands slide down to my lower back. I wrap my arms around his neck and start kissing him back, I felt so much love and happiness. His hands start to grope my bum and I let out a small moan. He starts smiling into the kiss as he pulls away, "let's have a little fun". I hear him whisper softly into my ear, I feel a smile grow across my face as I jump onto him wrapping my thin legs around his waste.

SRRY FOR KEEPING YALL WAITING FOR SO LONG!!!! Ive been so busy with school and I just didn't have the time!!!! I will try to make the next part ASAP!!!!! Y'all r the BEST PEOPLE IN DA WORLD for waiting that long! And I will be back soon!! Baiiiii!!!!

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