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(AN: Asylumstuck: Readers
USA: 86.364%
United Kingdom: 9.091%
Philippines: 4.545%
I used to have readers in Australia, but apparently they're gone now. :(oh well.)
(AN 2.0: Sorry for such a long wait. I know that you all truly have waited ever so patiently for this update. The problem was:
I had written this originally on my computer. I finished the entire chapter, but it didn't save. So I rewrote it. Didn't save AGAIN. I wrote it a bit later, a few hours or maybe a day, and it got deleted for a THIRD TIME. I was really irritated, but I never came back to just write it on my iPad mini. Now I'm finally updating this on my new phone, and hopefully it will actually save. I tried my hardest to make it as close as I possibly could to my original draft. That was a really long Author's Note, so let's get on to the long awaited update!)


The mighty huntress stalks her latest prey. She carefully crept along, and...
"Rawwr!" I leapt onto Equin's back, pretending to eat him. A staff member whipped around, gasping in surprise. There's no need fur her to worry, though. I would nefur try to eat Equin! The lady turned back around once she noticed I was only purretending.
"Noemi," said Equin. "Please stop pretending to eat me."
"But Equin, I'm just RolePlaying!" I giggled.
"I know, Noemi. But now is not the time or place."
I sat back in my seat and messed with my icky lunch. I wasn't going to eat this, so I just pushed it around with my fork.
"It's going to be okay, Noemi," said Equin. "Everything is going to be alright."
If only I could believe him.


"Miss Maryam, please stop biting yourself!"
"I am sorry, Madam Rosa, but I must satisfy my hunger."
I wish Rose were here. Oh, how I miss her dearly.
If she is here, though, she must be in the cafeteria. It is about the time for lunch.
"Actually, Madam Rosa. Please excuse me, but would you mind taking me to the cafeteria? I seem to be in the mood for some lunch..."


"Your name is Theresa Py-"
"No it's not. I'm Terezi." The lady sitting in front of me sighed.
"You were submitted to this asylum last month."
"What's an asylum."
"You seem to have an ability where your senses overlap, causing you to be able to smell colors and see things by......licking them."
"I know that." She scribbled something on her clipboard.
"You also happen to think you are from an alien race, called trolls, from another universe."
"But I am." More scribbling.
"No, you are just a little human girl who's brain is messed up." I can't take it anymore. I loose control of my patience and start screaming.
The lady doesn't even react to my sudden outburst. She simply just looks up at me from her clipboard, looking me strait in the eyes. The most serious look I've ever seen is plastered on her face.
"Your name is Theresa Pyrope, and you are a patient at the Alternian Mental Asylum for the Troubled Youth."


The spiders are everywhere, crawling up and down my skin. There's no way for me to escape.
I keep telling myself they're not real, they're just a figment of my imagination. But nothing I do can end my torture.
Knock knock.
I look up at the door's tiny window. I see my friend Terezi standing there. The spiders retreat, noticing the presence of another.
I go up to the door to open the little peephole thingy. When I open the slot, I'm met with the smiling face of own of my only friends.
"Hi Victoria." I frowned and wrinkled up my nose.
"I told you not to call me that, Terezi."
"I know," she said. "But no one around here will ever believe us."
A moment later, Terezi spoke up again.
"No one will ever know the truth."

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