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Yeah, that last thing was a bad idea. I'm just gonna rewrite this or something. The following updates will be a restart/rewrite of the nothing I've uploaded, but also better because I'm a little older now and my writing skills have developed or something.

Misc. of what I'll try to add once I redo intros and such:

- aradia finds an oujia board and contacts damara with terezi

- rose meets kanaya

- overall, not make it as much of an 'asylum' au, but more of a rehab-like place for children with mental illnesses to help them learn how to live with their difficulties. I'm terrible with words, spare me.)

But yeah! I'm gonna go copy, paste, revise, and such so keep a look out for 'new' chapters!

ASYLUMSTUCKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora