Chapter 2: An unwanted guest

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I kicked my shoes off then went back to glaring at the unwanted person sitting on my bed. "How did you find me, Alex?" I snapped, picking up one of the heels I was wearing.

He looked more ruff than he used to. Time had been good to him, he looked stronger and beautiful, if I was honest. He had dark stubble on his face which made him look older and made his face look sharper. His dark, mix between black and brown, hair was shorter but still spiked up. His eyes were the most notable, they seemed a brighter brown yet it seemed like they had seen things they wish they never had. He held secrets but didn't everyone? When he stood up I saw that he had grown taller which sadly made me smaller looking and feeling. His body was still built like it was when I had last saw him though it seemed more toned and there was a scar on his arm. 

"I caught your scent the other day so I followed it here." He folded his arms across his chest while looking down at me making him seem bigger.

"Are you still with Lexi?" I still held the shoe and glared at him.

"Yes, she's staying in a hotel close to here." He smiled at the thought of her which was cute.

I snapped and threw the shoe at his chest. It just bounced off him. Stupid werewolf, not even flinching. "Why would you bring her!? Why are you even here?!" I shouted at him.

"Do you know how much you have put everyone through? You just disappeared without a single word to her. She has been with you through everything and you just left her." His tone didn't change. He just sounded like he was discussing the weather. "Lucky for you I didn't tell Lexi that you are the reason we are here. She thinks we are only taking a  couple of nights away." 

I let the breath I didn't realize that I was holding out and sat down in one of the chairs by the table. "Thank you for not telling her." 

"What are you doing now then?" 

"I'm just doing work." I mumbled. It didn't feel right lying to him so I just didn't tell the whole truth.

He didn't say another word for a minute or two so I just listened to his heart. It was soft, it was steady, it was nice. I had gotten used to listening to my friends heart beats when no one was talking and it was nice to hear it again. I found comfort in it. Strange, I know, but it was the little things that reminded me of their humanness and made me love them all the more. It was the same with Luca though his heart was always different from the humans. He was a Lucifer after all. 

"Need any help?" When Alex finally spoke again my own heart leaped. 

I stared at him wide eyed while he just stared at the floor. "You offer to help me yet you don't even know what it is I am doing?" I raised an eye brow confused with his offer. What was he thinking. 

"I don't need to know the full story," He stood up and looked at me. "I have to get back to Lexi before she wakes up and notices I'm not there. I will help you with whatever you need, I'll be in the bar across from the nightclub that you were at tonight. You can meet me there around midnight if you decide you want help." He walked over to me as I sat at beside the door. 

"Alex..." I stood, had he followed me? Before I could question him he smiled at me. 

"It's good to know that you are alright." The he left. 

After Alex had left I didn't go to sleep at all I just got a shower and changed into more comfortable clothes. When I was looking through the clothes to put on I stared at the leather cat suit that I could never bring myself to get rid off. I even kept the matching boots. Why? I guess you could say that it was still my uniform even after everything Shane had put me through, I still wore it over the past couple of years. It helped me look more menacing and feel more powerful. The feeling it gave me was strange to say the least but it was a lot easier to wear ,compared to jeans or a dress, if I had to sneak. I hadn't wore it in awhile though it would always be with me. Someday I might just get rid of it but I couldn't see that day happening anytime soon. I pulled it out of the closet and shoved it into the bag I always had with me. Moving past it I grabbed a pair of jeans and a dark red and black jumper. 

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