Chapter 5: A little mishap

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Alex threw a chip at me. "Pay attention." He got ready to throw another but dropped the second chip when I glared at him.

I sighed and looked at him with a straight face. "I have a problem."

"Apart from the problems most vampires seem to have?" He pointed a chip at me while I raised an eye brow but didn't let him continue.

"I've been given a new job."

His face fell serious. His sudden change from childish to full serious was in a matter of seconds and it surprised me.

I looked around the bar we sat in to make sure no one was watching us. Alex and I sat at the back at a corner table. My back was to the wall so that I could see everyone that came through the door and everyone that went to the bar. Alex sat with his back to everyone while he stuffed his face with the food. The bar was made to look old, behind the bar was wooden barrels on the wall with pumps coming out of it and the whole bar didn't have a light feel even with the lights on it was still dark and grim.

"Why did you accept?" He frowned at me.

"I don't know, I usually accept based on the person giving me it and he looked alright." I looked at the table.

"Who is it he wants gone?" Alex picked up his chip again and acted like we were talking about the weather.

I looked him in the eye. "Remember the police officers on my trail a few nights back," He nodded. "The person that out them on the task of looking after me is a detective, Detective Anderson, she's my target." I bit my lip while I waited for him to say something but all he did was stare at me.

A few minutes past before he finally said something. "You can't kill a police officer." He frowned.

I stared at him. "Says who?" I asked almost innocently.

"Of course you've killed one before." He groaned then he grew annoyed. "What's stopping you then?"

I looked at him with a blank stare. "I don't want more people looking at me. They know she held me in the interview room for awhile and had people watching me so they would think I might have had something to do with it. I don't need people on my back." I said without emotion.

"Aria, do you not remember one of my terms?" He snapped.

"You didn't say when I had to give up killing," I stood up from the table. "We should go back to my place." I put my hand on his shoulder and tired to signal that something was wrong.

He seemed to have gotten the signal and nodded.

We left the bar together while I listened to the heart beat of the person that was watching us. The heart beat soon followed us as I heard it get closer. When we got further away from the bar and the heart beat kept following us I pulled Alex into an alley.

The alley smelt rotten, like the smell of burning hair which was oddly strange. There were two exits from it so it would look like we just took a short cut to get home. Pulling Alex into a hiding place with me that was dark and kept us out of sight from the follower I listened.

Their heart beat was getting closer, meaning they took the bait and where going to go do the alley. I looked at Alex. "I'm sorry for what you are about to see."

As the person walked past me I edged out and grabbed them. The person was a man who smelt weird and was dressed in a dark green jacket that had a grey plaid shirt and a black top under it, dark jeans and boots. He wasn't that tall of a man, smaller than Alex, and had a medium build. He had a five o'clock shadow that made his skin look tanner than it was. His face was sharp but his eyes were a soft grey. He looked frightened but then stared at me with a serious expression as I pushed him against the wall.

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