Chapter 22: A welcoming home

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"I thought the smell of blood would have went away by now." I said to Alex after a couple of minutes of sitting in silence.

I could still smell my blood from when I was in the fight with Ramen. It had faded but it was still there. I was glad it was only my blood and not anyone elses because if Alex or the girls had been hurt that day I would have flipped a table even more, well I would have at least took down one of them before they took me down. 

"I think it's stuck into the chair for awhile." Alex drove past the nightclub I was at in the early hours of the morning. 

We fell back into a comfortable silence and as we grew closer I began to shift in the chair. 

"They won't kill you." Alex looked at me when he stopped at a red light.

I looked at him. "What if they want to? Alex I let my brother die, then I left them." 

"Your brothers death was not your fault and I'll be there. Even though they are your family, if they go for you I will step in though I don't think I will need to because you can probably deal with them before I even move a muscle." He put his hand on my thigh to reassure me then took it off and started to drive again.

He was right, even though they were my family if they went to hurt me I would hurt them before they even got a chance. I guess that's how I knew I had really chanced because no matter who it was, if they tried to hurt me I wouldn't hold back. I, honestly, didn't know how that made me feel but I knew it didn't make me feel bad. Old me would have cared. She would be happy to be going home to see her family. The new me didn't want to be anywhere close. I wanted to be on the next bus out of there. 

I looked at Alex. I was doing it for him. I had promised and I guess I owned my family. 

I felt the car slow to a stop and I looked up to see we had parked outside the house. "Let's go. I'll be there, so it'll be fine." Alex smiled at me. 

I smiled back and then we both got out of the car. Alex started to walk towards the door while I froze, I was tempted to run.

"Aria." I looked at Alex when he said my name. He knew what I was thinking, I could tell from the way he looked at me. Almost daring me to try it but I didn't. 

I walked up behind him while he knocked the door then walked in. After Alex stepped to the side, I saw my dad standing at the bottom of the stairs. It was only him and with the way so much emotion flashed through his eyes a part of the walls I had built up fell but not enough for me to move towards him. 

He didn't look hurt, he looked sad and happy and worried and confused. He did look older than I remembered, especially in his eyes but he still looked the same at the same time. His light brown, blonde hair was cut short but other than that, thanks to being a vampire, he looked no different to what he did years ago. He could still blend in with my brothers.

He was the first to speak but it was in a whisper. "Aria..." He looked me up and down.

I guessed that he didn't expect to see me looking so dark. I had wore my black boots, black skinny jeans, a red vest top and a black leather jacket and my hair had been put up into a high pony tail. 

My dad didn't move from where he stood, he seemed almost afraid. "Is that really you?" 

That was when the others started to flood into the hall, they came from the living room and the kitchen and just stopped when they caught me in their sights. 

Alexis caught my eye first. She was still so beautiful. Her long wavy hair had been cut to just above her shoulders. She didn't smell as pure but then again a lot had chanced and happened, especially from the little heart beat that I could hear within her. Her dark blue eyes looked tired and the darkness under them proved that she did. She was taller than me but I did stop growing and changing whereas she didn't. She wore blue washed out jeans, a baggy white top and a pair of black and white nikes. The fact that there was a small heart beat within her meant even more that Alex couldn't come with me. 

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