Chapter Two

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I wake up and am laying on a bed in the nurse's room. When I open my eyes the lights in the room are so bright that they burn my eyes and I have to quickly shut them again. After a few seconds I open my eyes again slowly making sure not to look at the lights on the roof. I hear someone moving around the room and I carefully move my head and see the school nurse moving around the room. I carefully sit up on the bed and the nurse turns around when she hears the mattress rumple.

"Ah, Miss Capone, you're awake. How do you feel?" Nurse Jackson asks as she bustles over to check me for any signs of a concussion.

"I feel fine," I tell Nurse Jackson quietly, as she shines a light in my eyes. "How long was I out for?"

"Just five minutes," She tells me seeming happy. "You have no signs of a concussion. So you are free to go to lunch and then the rest of your classes for the day but come back if you start to feel dizzy."

"Thank you," I say before leaving the room quickly.

I jog to the cafeteria so that I can get some lunch before my galactic communications class starts. When I get to the cafeteria I select a ham and salad sandwich from the lunch system and it appears on my lunch tray within a matter of seconds. I look around to find where Hera is sitting and go sit by her.

"So, I heard what happened to you in sports," she says by way of greeting as I sit at the table. "Did Colton seriously knock you out of the air in hoverball?"

"Yes, he did but it was a complete accident," I say, wondering how quickly this bit of news has gotten around school.

"I also heard that cute Colton carried you all the way to the nurse's office," she says in a teasing voice.

"I went unconscious within a couple of seconds," I tell her truthfully.

"Don't you have any details to tell me?" she asks me, around a mouthful of mash potatoes.

"No, because I went unconscious within a couple of seconds," I tell her before taking a bite of my sandwich.

We sit quietly for the next couple of minutes and I have just finished my sandwich when the warning bell goes off letting us know that we need to go to class. I say a quick bye to Hera and race off to my galactic communications class. Galactic communications is my favourite class because we get to study cultures from different planets and galaxies and learn to communicate with them. When I get to my class I see that Colton is waiting outside the classroom for me.

"Lavender, I'm so sorry about what happened. It was a complete accident. I'm" Colton says when I reach the door.

"Colton, stop, I know it was an accident," I tell him before he can say sorry a second time.

We quickly enter the room making sure to swipe our wrist over the attendance screen and then take our seats at the front of the room. As we wait for the rest of the class to arrive. I keep sneaking peeks at Colton and I catch him looking at me a couple of times.

"Colton?" I say his name like a question.

"Yeah," He says and looks at me intently like he is unsure of me.

"I heard that you carried me to the nurse's office after I passed out," I tell him trying to sound casual but I don't think I quite manage it the way I would like.

"Yeah, I wanted to make sure that you were right but the nurse kicked me out as soon as I put you on the bed," he tells me, sounding slightly upset.

Just as I am about to reply our teacher walks in and we both turn around to listen.

"Good afternoon, Class," our teacher says as he hands out a small holo-tablet to certain people around the room. "This is your assignment on intergalactic customs. Each of you have a partner to work on this assignment with and you must both do an equal amount of work. You have all the information you need in your assignment holo-tablet and your schoolwork holo-tablet."

A Thousand Years to Liveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن