Chapter Four

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I am just about to head to my lunch time choir practice when Colton walks up next to me.

"Hey, Lavender," Colton says, with a brilliant smile on his face. "You have choir practice don't you?"

"Yeah, that's where I'm headed now," I tell him, as we reach the doors of the choir room. "Would you like to watch?"

"Sure, I'd love that," He says, holding the door open for me.

Once we get inside Colton sits in one of the chairs off to the side of the room and I put my bag in the corner with everyone else before joining the rest of the choir on the stage. We start practicing our song routine but just as we finish the third song in the set Colton steps out of the room and quickly heads out of the choir room. I watch him go quietly before turning back to Mrs. Perry while she instructs us on the rest of the song set.

When choir practice finishes, I quickly get my bag and head out of the music room. I head towards my next class which is history. I am super excited to be going on an excursion to the Triassic period. When I get to class I carefully tuck my backpack under my desk and take my seat. I sit there daydreaming about what I will get to see in the Triassic period today. I've been sitting there for what feels like seconds when I hear someone saying my name and I check give myself a mental shake.

"Lavender, you are partnered with Colton for this excursion," Mr Dunaway says, before turning back to the rest of the class. "Now everyone must stay with their partner at all times. Now each of your time travel watches are linked to your partners so that you will be kept together that means if one of you time travel the others watch will alert them that you have jumped and will follow them when you next jump. I have set everyone's watches to the Triassic period so we can all jump together. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir," everyone choruses at once.

He quickly hands out the watches to everyone and gives us instructions on how to use them. He also explains that we can only jump after six hours the first time and every twelve hours after that until he resets them. He shows us how to use the message feature so we can message are partner if we get separated. Once everyone has their watch and has been shown how to use it, Mr. Dunaway counts down and we all time travel to the Triassic period.

When I land in the Triassic period I land with my legs tangled among someone else's, when I attempt to untangle my legs I realise that I have landed on top of Colton.

"I'm so sorry," I say, once my legs are untangled and I give him a hand to stand up.

"Its fine," he says, looking around and seeing everyone that no one else has landed on top of their partner.

"Okay, everyone, we have travelled to the Triassic period and the area we have travelled to, is mostly occupied by Herbivores," Mr. Dunaway explains, indicating for us to follow him.

We quickly and quietly follow behind while Mr. Dunaway points out different types of plants that herbivores might eat. After a half hour of walking we come across a herd of triceratops grazing lazily by a watering hole. We slowly move around and observe the triceratops. After an hour the class slowly moves along. As we slowly move on Colton starts pointing out different plants that around us and telling which herbivore would eat each plant. I walk beside him grateful for the help because I can't identify most of them. We follow behind the rest of the class before we reach the next set of herbivores.

"Okay, everyone, we have an hour before we are due to leave, so I would like to give you that time to explore. Carefully. No wandering out of the area we have explored," Mr. Dunaway tells the class. "And stay with your partner."

"Would you like to go back to where we saw the Bonitasura and explore around there," Colton asks, having noticed that I liked watching them.

"Sure," I say, with a smile.

We slowly make our way through the low brush and trees. I look around with a smile on my face happy that we get some time to explore on our own.

The walk to the clearing with the Bonitasura takes us about twenty minutes, when we finally get there I find a seat under a small tree near where they are gathered. Colton comes and sits next to me silently. I carefully look around at the trees and bushes and see some really pretty flowers blossoming on some of the bushes. After about five minutes of silently watching the dinosaurs I turn around and look at Colton.

I quietly get up from where I am sitting and start wandering around the clearing to get a better look at the dinosaurs. I love watching the way the dinosaurs.

I have a big smile on my face when a large T-Rex comes crashing through the shrub on the other side of the clearing. I stand there frozen as the Bonitasura take off running and the T-rex quickly and roughly seizes one in its jaw. Colton grabs my arm and roughly pulls me along behind him as he starts running back towards the cover of the trees. I stumble and crash through the ground cover behind him without a chance to get my footing. Just as we get to the cover of the trees the T-rex sense our movement and starts to chase us. I scream and we start running harder. After a couple of minutes of running I try to stop to take a breath but Colton gives me a sharp tug and we start running again back towards the clearing where we had to meet the rest of the class. After about five minutes of running our watches beep indicating that we can time travel. We look at each other and nod. We stop and countdown backwards from three before pressing the travel button on our watches.

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