Chapter Six

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When I press the button on my watch I am sucked into a vortex and am sent hurtling through time. As I go through the time vortex, I see bits and pieces from time flash past me so fast that I don't have enough time to identify what they are. When the vortex stops it hurls me out in to an unfamiliar place and I land in a courtyard made of paving stones, with a large and painful thud. I look around hoping to find a sign of what era of time I have landed in and I immediately recognize the architecture as belonging to ancient Greece. I see that I have arrived quite early in the morning. I look more closely at the building that helped me recognize where I am and I see that it the Parthenon. I look up at it in astonishment at how beautiful it is. It has tall, slender columns made out of ivory and gold supporting gorgeous pediments that depicted stories about the Greek goddess of Wisdom, Athena. I slowly walk toward the east side of the temple to see the carvings telling the story of Athena's birth.

I walk around the Parthenon just looking at stories of Athena's life, totally entranced by the stories of my favourite Ancient Greek goddess. I have been looking for a couple of minutes when my watch beeps a two short beep tune, which means that I have an incoming message. I jump not realising what the sound is straight away. I look around and that is when I realise that Colton is nowhere to be seen. I open up the message.

Colton: Where are you?

Lavender: At the Athenian Parthenon in Athens. Where are you?

Colton: I'm in Nemea.

Lavender: Well, it is going to take us more time then we have meet up so if we stay where we are. Hopefully we'll meet up when we jump next.

Colton: Okay, see you then.

I quickly shut down the message function on my time travel watch. I slowly walk around the Parthenon looking for any clue as to why I landed here of all places. I know that we aren't allowed to enter the Parthenon so I stand in front of the entryway so that I can see the Athena Parthenon. People walk by while I stand there looking at the Athena Parthenon but no one gives me a second glance.

"Hello, my dear," I hear from behind me.

I turn around and see that I am looking at young girl who looks identical to the statue of Athena.

I look over at the statue quickly before looking back at the young girl. "Yes, Lavender, I am Athena, goddess of wisdom and crafts." She says, reading the question in my eyes.

I give a small bow of respect. "Hello, goddess," I say, with awe in my voice.

"Please, Lavender, call me Athena," she says, politely. "I came to see you today, Lavender, to tell you that you are one of the smartest girls I have seen in the 31st century."

"Pardon?" I ask, a little shocked.

"I have been watching you, my sweet Lavender," Athena says.

"But how?" I ask, trying to wrap my head around it all.

"I am immortal and though people have stopped believing in the gods we still exist," Athena says, with a smile. "I have a taken a special interest in you, my dear."

"I don't understand why you have taken a special interest in me," I say, trying to understand everything that has happened. "I'm nobody special."

"Yes, you are someone special, Lavender, you are more special then you know," Athena says, sweetly with a huge smile. "You are a smart and wise. More than anyone knows. I have seen the things that you design in your room and I want you to know that they'll change the world. Don't hide them away from the world share them with people."

A Thousand Years to LiveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ