Chapter 6

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Jerome's P.O.V (The Shapeshifter)

Today's events were interesting, but surprisingly not the strangest thing that's every happened to me. I was just about to get in bed when I could have sworn I saw the reflection of a person on the roof in the pool. So I decided to investigate. I cracked the window open about an inch, took a step back, and closed my eyes for about 30 seconds. Within that short time frame, I felt the usual bubbly feeling whenever I'm shifting. Yah, I'm a shapeshifter and I've never told anyone, not even Mitch. I'm just worried that we can't be friends if he finds out, though I always have this feeling he's not telling me something important. I ended up shifting in a butterfly (I know, real manly) with black wings and white spots, hopeful I won't be noticed. I fly out the window and up to the roof only to see Mitch sitting up there staring up at the moon. It was interesting because he seemed completely unphased by how late it was. Maybe there is something he never told me.


I was 11 at the time when I found out who I really was.
I was taking my dog Coco out for a walk down that nature trail that was a block away from my house. We were in the deeper section of the trail that was mostly forest besides the markers to make sure that no one got lost. It was peaceful listening to the songs of the birds, the cool autumn breeze pulling colorful leaves off their branches, but the peace was soon disturbed by Coco's low growling.
"What is it girl?" I asked hoping she'll try to show me something. She turned her head to a bush and at the same time the bushes leaves began to rustle and I thought I spotted some grey in there. I gulped as we continued to walk forward, knowing it was the quickest way off the path without getting lost, I but couldn't help but feel that we were being watched.
Then there was more rustling, and a second later a dark grey blur jumped out of the foliage, yanked the leash out my hand, pulling it away and Coco with it.
"COCO!" I screamed chasing after my dognapped puppy. Whoever or whatever was trying to steal my dog was going to pay as soon as I caught them. That was if I could catch them. I ran as fast my legs could carry me, which was pretty fast for my age but there was bearly a dent in the gap between us.

~Time Skip of Running~

I had been running for about ten straight minutes and I surprisingly hadn't break a sweat while doing so.
I couldn't believe my luck, once I reached a clearing, there was Coco lying in front of a large rock and wasn't even harmed.
"Come on girl, let's get out of here and go home." I said softly. It was easy to tell she agreed when she stood up shaking, clearly traumatized from the experience. The only problem was that I forgot which way was home. So I hoped that if we came back close to the way I ran over, we would find the trail. But by the time we reached the edge of the clearing, the grey blur returned. This time the blur stopped in front of me and turned out to be a wolf.
"I-I'm s-sorry if-if w-we entered y-your territory. Let us b-by and I p-promise we will n-never come here a-again."  I stuttered, thinking that maybe it could understand and leave us be, but all I received was growls. I frantically searched for an escape route, but everywhere I looked there was another wolf blocking all the possible exists. I took Coco in my arms as the wolfs slowly closed in. I just couldn't understand why.
Why were they attacking? What have we done wrong? Would they let us live?
One of the wolfs barked from behind, and it startled me into dropping Coco. Another started to claw at her placing cuts all over her body. Were they trying to torture me? Then they drew the line when they began to toss her around like a ball.
I could feel anger boiling up in me.
"STOP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, and for once they understood. My eyes closed themselves in fear of what would happen next. It was either me or Coco. The next thing I know, a comforting bubbly feeling starting in my toes, and making its way through the rest of my body. Then I could courage blossom from deep inside of me, opening my eyes to see the wolfs frozen in place.
"Go away you bullies! And don't you darre everr hurrt herr again!" I hadn't even realized how all my r's rolled, and all the wolves ran away out of fear.
"Thank you." The small, soft voice of a female said. I looked around trying to find the source of the voice. When I finally looked behind me, I jumped back in fright at the sight of a fluffy brown tail attached to the back of the same colored wolf.
"J-Jerome, is that you?" The same voice as before asked. I tried to remain calm while my gazed landed on Coco.
"Coco? D-did you just talk?" I asked shaking on my feet, or paws.
"Y-you heard me?" She asked me and I nodded.
"But how, how did this happen to me?" I asked her as she stood up.
"It's difficult to explain, but I can show you." Coco said walking past me.
"Wait! Where are you going?" Turning around and calling out to her.
"Home." She said looking back at me then straight forward again, I hesitated and followed her, worrying what my parents would think. It's not every day your son goes out to take the dog for a walk and comes back as a wolf.

-Magic time skip back to house-

Coco lead me to the back entrance of the house and told me to wait in the backyard when she ran off somewhere. While waiting, I decided to study my new appearance by walking over to our small pool. My reflection didn't even look like me, I saw a very fluffy, chocolate brown wolf with pure black eyes. The sight was amazing yet startling at the same time.
"I'm back!" Coco barked at me, her voice sounded muffled though, as if she had something was in her mouth. Turns out I was right, because when I turned around Coco holding an old book covered in dirt, yet it was in a surprisingly good condition in her mouth. She carefully placed the book on the ground, I walked over to it, read the title 'Believed to be Fiction,' and I saw I green ribbon sticking out.
"What is this for?" I asked confused.
"The answer to all your questions." She replied and skillfully flipped to the page with the ribbon.

On the book marked page, the title was 'The Shapeshifter,' and talked about someone who could shift into any animal, speak with any animal even in their human form, and their first shift would be a wolf at a time of need. If I wasn't reading this as a wolf then I would think this was all fake.
"How come I've never seen this before?" I asked very concerned.
"Because, you're parents thought that if you never saw this, then you would never find out about your powers. They tried to destroy this, but I managed to hide it before they could." Coco replied.
"I'm going to guess that if they tried to destroy this, then they won't be happy when they find I did the one thing they were trying to avoid." I said starting to get worried.
"If you want, I'll help train you." She comforted me with the most soothing voice I've ever heard, and I nodded.

Ever since, she taught me everything I know today.

-End of Flashback-

Mitch must have saw me, which was surprising, because he held out his finger for me to land on. I hesitated at first, but I flew over and landed on it.
"I don't know, I'm not sure if I should tell him. And if I tell him, should I tell the others, what if he tells them, what if he doesn't expect me?..... I can't keep it in anymore, I'll tell him in the morning... it's going to be a long night." Thank god, he's finally going to tell me. So I guess that means I'll be telling him too. And with that I fly back to my room, shift back to myself, and go to bed. But I was fast asleep, and unable to hear the thud from Mitch's room.

Hey guys! Guess what, I'm not dead! Yay! Cookies for everyone! *throws cookies everywhere* So sorry for the long delay, but it's finally done. And thank you for not spamming update comments. Lastly, why da fudge does this book have 600+ reads? Because you guys are awesome! Till next time my cookie squad.

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