Chapter 7

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Mitch's P.O.V

After the weird mouse thing from earlier, Jerome and I stayed.... distant.... for some reason. And it wasn't all his fault, part of it is mine, for some reason I just didn't comfortable being around anyone for that matter. I think those sparks must have triggered something in each of us, that's making us so distant. Now it's around 10:30, Jerome has probably put his lazy self to bed, and looking out the window I see the soft white glow of the moon imprinting the night sky. Leaning against the window sill, the pale moon rays shine on me, and fill me with energy.

After some calming breaths, I walk into my closet, which isn't very big, and open the secret door in there that has a small staircase that leads right up to the roof. Its stupid that I've never told Jerome that I installed a way to get onto the roof without a ladder, honestly I think that he would think its awesome, but I'm worried that he'll become suspicious of why I did that in the first place. I just know that our friendship will be destroyed if he sees what the real me is like. Not that the real me is much different from what I show to everyone everyday, just, no one has ever seen the night side of me.

Once I'm on the roof, I go through the same thing I do almost every night. Sit, change, and stare for the rest of the night.

Sit: I carefully walk across the roof to the most flat/level/comfortable spot and sit down.

Change: I start to feel the moon's rays becoming stronger, as a tingling feeling runs down my spine. As usual, my skin becomes much paler, my eyes a bit more dull but a radiant midnight black with silver specks, and my hair pure white with silver streaks. This is my Midnight Form.

Stare: The most simple yet boring step. Stare at the moon for the rest of the night.


Up until I was 13 I lived a pretty normal life, nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever. Well, unless you count being obsessed with the night sky. Yup, that was me, I was so obsessed with astronomy that I somehow managed to convince my parents to buy me a real telescope at age 9. I absolutely loved it! My room was painted like the night sky and was filled books on, you guessed it, astronomy, along with myths and stories about how constellations gained their place in the sky. Ignoring my sassy older sister and her sassy sidekick, my younger sister, who always asked why I was into "balls of gas in the sky." I could say my life was pretty good.

Untiiiiiiil, the night I almost went blind. Yeah that was pleasant. Anyways, thirteenth birthday, nighttime, supposed to be in bed, sounds about right. So I just couldn't resist staying up that night looking into my telescope. And if I was caught in the act, I had the perfect excuse. The other day, my class had been assigned a project to track the moon with the stars. Of course I was going to ace that as soon as I heard we were getting a science project.

So now I'm sitting, looking through my telescope when something bright as fudge shown through, rendering me blind as I pulled away. My vision was completely white, and I stumbled around until I tripped over my stool that was next to my telescope. Looking at what I'm assuming is up, I start to feel energy flowing through me. And suddenly I didn't the least bit tired.

'Sorry 'bout that mate, but it was the only way to awaken your powers.' A male, unfamiliar, voice, with an.... Australian accent? Said in my head. Who was this, I still don't know to the present day.

'Wait, did he say powers?!' I thought in a frenzy. This guy must be able to read my mind because I received an immediate response.

'Yes, you are the Child of the Night, but I don't have much time to explain. I'm going to guide you to a book that will give you answers, and don't get caught.' He said in a rather urgent tone. At this point, I was too confused to even ask questions. So I just had to hope he would ask and answer for me.

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