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Bad Boys Club Season VII : #BACKFORMORE

🎧 What I Want , I Get It Yeah That's Right I Said It , Live The Life You Wish You Had Sugar , Spice , And Everything B-B-B Bad Boys Looking So Tough , Don't You Wish You Could Roll With Us ? Lots Of Hater Can't Get Enough Welcome To The Bad Boys Club , BAD BOYS ! 🎧

•| 5:38 P.M. |•

Jeremy Brown | "This is bugging the fuck out of me!"
Dallas Wade | "What's is?"
Jeremy Brown | "The fact they sent him to an hotel and not home!"
Dallas Wade | "Right!"
Jeremy Brown | "I'll pull up at the hotel and act a fool!"
Dallas Wade started laughing.
Dallas Wade | "We should do that!"
Jeremy Brown | "I'm for real!"
Dallas Wade | "I am to!"
Jeremy Brown | "We should go to his room and beat his ass!"
Dallas got of bed.
Dallas Wade | "Let's go!"
Jeremy started laughing. The two boys started getting dressed. Once the was done, the two boys went downstairs and out the door.
Jackie Gabriell | "Where they finna go?"
Tray Bills | "Ain't no telling!"
The two boys got in the car and drove off. Tray walked out the kitchen and into the phone booth. He picked up the phone and called his brother.
| On The Phone With His Brother |
Tray Bills | "Hello!"
His Brother | "Wassup Bruh!"
Tray Bills | "Guess what!"
His Brother | "Your coming home!?"
Tray started laughing.
Tray Bills | "Nah not until I beat the niggas ass!"
His Brother | "Why what happened?"
Tray Bills | "They jumped me!"
His brother didn't say anything.
Tray Bills | "Hello!"
His Brother | "So try jumping!!?"
Tray Bills | "Yeah, me against three other guys!"
His Brother | "What THE FUCK!!"
Tray Bills | "Yeap!"
Tray Bills | "Mmm!"
His Brother | "Why did they jump you?"
Tray Bills | "Because I stated an opinion about Damagio and I guess the heard and went back and told him. I went outside and started smoking, they came outside. Dude and I got to fighting then the other two boys jumped in."
His Brother | "I'm on the next plane to Cali, I'm finna shut it down in the house!"
Tray Bills | "Nah you don't have to come!"
His Brother | "NAH TO LATE BYE!"
His brother hung up the phone.
Tray Bills | "Jackass!!"
| Tray Bills Confessional | "Hopefully he don't come for real! I know he going try and kill these pussy dudes in the house!"
Damagio walked downstairs. He walked in the kitchen where Jackie and Tray was.
Damagio El Ray | "Where the other boys?"
Jackie and Tray didn't say nothing.
Damagio El Ray | "So y'all went deaf?!"
They still didn't say nothing.
| Jackie Gabriell Confessional | "I really don't have nothing else to say to Damagio, Dallas or Jeremy after they jump my nigga. I lost all respect for them!"
The two boys walked out the kitchen.
Damagio El Ray | "Pussy ass bitches!"
Jackie walked back in the kitchen.
Jackie Gabriell | "What you say!?"
Damagio El Ray | "I SAID PUSSY ASS BITCHES!!!"
Jackie punched Damagio in his mouth. The two boys started fighting. Tray ran back in the room and started helping Jackie. That's when security ran in the room and broke up the fight.
Damagio El Ray | "OH REALLY!!!"
Tray Bills | "YEAP!!"
Jackie Gabriell | "WASSUPP!!"
Jackie broke free from the security, he ran back up on Damagio , they started fighting. Security grabbed the two boys.
Security | "Separate them!!"
They took Jackie and Tray out the kitchen and took them upstairs to there room. Damagio went outside and had a smoke.

•| At a The Hotel |•
Jeremy Brown | "I'm ready to beat his ass boe!"
Dallas started laughing. The two boys got out the car and walked into the hotel. They got inside the elevator and went to the fifth floor. They walked out the elevator and went up to Bobby door. Jeremy started beating on it.
Bobby Murria | "Who is it!?"
The boys didn't say nothing. Bobby went and open the door. The two boys charged into his room.
Jeremy Brown | "WASSUPP!!"
Bobby and Jeremy started fighting. That's when Dallas joined in and helped. Security busted in the room door and grabbed the boys.
Dallas Wade | "LET ME GO!!"
Security | "Stop!"
Dallas started fighting with the security guard. The security guard wasn't going. He slammed Dallas on the floor but Dallas kept fighting with him.
Dallas Wade | "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!!"
Security | "CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!!"
Finally Dallas stopped fight the security guard.
Jeremy Brown | "GO HOME!"
Bobby Murria | "NOPE!"
Jeremy Brown | "TAKE YO ASS HOME!"
Bobby Murria | "MAKE ME!!"
Jeremy pushed the security off him and ran up on Bobby again. They started fighting. Security ran up and grabbed Jeremy.
Production ran in the room.
Production | "Get Dallas and Jeremy out of here NOW!!"
Security escorted the two boys out the room.
Production | "You alright?!"
Bobby Murria | "I'm good!"
Production | "Alright!"
Production walked out the room. Security took Jeremy and Dallas outside the hotel.
Production | "Who plan was it to come here?!"
Jeremy Brown | "Mine!"
Production | "Why?!"
Jeremy Brown | "Because he needs to leave!"
Production | "Maybe you need to leave!"
Jeremy Brown | "I'm not going no where! I'm HERE TO STAY!"
Production | "You think so!?"
Jeremy Brown | "I know so!"
Production | "Well unfortunately we are sending you home today!"
Jeremy started laughing.
Production | "Bullying is not allowed here!"
Jeremy Brown | "Who BULLY THOUGH!!!"
Production | "You have been the main person bullying Bobby since day one! I'm going have to ask you to go back to the house pack your stuff and leave!"
Dallas Wade | "That's wack!"
Production | "That's fine!"
Jeremy and Dallas walked to the car and got in. They drove off.
| Jeremy Brown Confessional | "So they sending me home?!! I'm not leaving without a REAL BANG!!!"

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