You Have All My Love-Kier

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{Character list:
-William Control - The Neuromantic Boys
-Kier Kemp - Fearless Vampire Killers
-Kenneth Fletcher - The Neuromantic Boys
-Ben Tourkantonis - The Neuromantic Boys
-Ian Macwilliams - The Neuromantic Boys}

(Title lyrics: Omnia Vincit Amor-William Control-Silentium Amoris)

"Come on Kier! You look fine, hurry up!"

The sound of Will's impatient tone made me laugh to myself quietly as I fixed my fringe a final time and looked in the mirror, grinning to myself. Both me and him had been invited by Kenneth, one of the members in Will's band, to a "celebration" at his house, as their new album had been brought out. Well, Will had been invited on his own, but later on decided he wanted me there. Not that I minded at this very late invite, I was just happy I got to go with him.

"Kier, I'm honestly gonna leave soon if you don't hurry!" Will called again, although I was sure there was slight humour in his voice.

"Coming, darling!" I called back in an overly dramatic camp voice, giggling to myself and making my way down the stairs to where Will was stood, his fingertips tapping some random rhythm on the door handle, immediately looking down at me as I skipped happily down the stairs and over to where he was stood, a small smile on his lips.

"You look beautiful, Will..." I said, slightly mesmerised on how much effort he'd gone into. Not that he needed to anyway. Covering his top half was a plain black buttoned-up shirt, black skinny jeans on his lower half and a pair of black brogues on his feet.

A small blush crept across his cheeks as I spoke and he grinned, leaning down to kiss my lips quickly and gently, and this was happily returned.

Will held out his hand for me to take, and happily I did so. Our hands interlocked perfectly together, making me smile gently to myself. I honestly did love Will more than anything in the world, as cliché and cringe as it sounds, its true. Of course, we argue a lot on stupid little disagreements, but I could never stay mad at him for too long, I couldn't live without him.

"So you're finally ready! Not that I've been waiting." he said, laughing quietly as my cheeks went bright red.

"I was trying to get myself to look as beautiful as you, but that clearly hasn't worked." I replied with a wink at my clearly over the top words, resulting in Will blushing equally as red as me.

"You didn't even need to, you look lovely!"

"Ahh but not like you do!"

Will chuckled and shook his head fondly before using his other hand to turn the handle on the door and swing it open, the cold wind hitting my face and immediately messing up my fringe.

"Will!" I exclaimed with a whine as he led me out of the door. "My fringe is messy again! Can I go back and sort it?"

There wasn't a response from Will which made me turn around to see him stood with the keys in his hand, a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Whoops, I already locked the door! Shame!"

I whined once again. "Will! Please just let me fix it! It'll take me two minutes!"

"But when you go back outside it'll happen again!" Will replied with the same tone as me mockingly. "Do it in the car, you'll manage!"

Realising that Will had made the final decision that we were heading straight to Kenneth's as he stepped away from the door and towards the car, I followed his orders and made my way to the car alongside him. He soon realised I was behind him as he let out a small laugh and raised an eyebrow at me before unlocking the car and opening the door for me.

"Thanks..." I mumbled with a humorous sarcasm as I climbed inside the car and shut the door behind me, Will laughing and walking round to the other side of the car, climbing in beside me seconds after.

"Aww Kier, don't get mad at me!" Will joked as he started the car. "Your hair looks fine! You can sort it now!"

I pouted in return to his tone as I pulled down the visor which revealed the mirror, to which I spent several minutes placing my fringe perfectly in place. I wanted to at least look like I made an effort; Will's friends definitely scrubbed up well and I didn't want to be different to them. Especially as it was Will coming with me too, there had been many times we'd been out and he'd told me to make an effort so I didn't "show him up". Not that I minded, I wanted to be the best I could for him.

"God you're such a girl!" Will chuckled, taking a glance at my now blushing face.

"I may be, but I'm your girl."

"Jesus, Kemp, you're terrible! Honestly!"

"It is true though, right?" I responded as a sudden moment of doubt came upon me.

"How could I say no? Especially to your pretty face!"

His words made me blush even more as an even brighter blush crept across my face. "You call me terrible?!"

Will simply laughed before placing a quick kiss on my lips and focusing his attention to his driving, leaving me to settle in the comfortable silence. It was only around a 10 minute drive to Kenneth's, luckily, I hated being in the car for too long. As much as I loved watching the city of Seattle in which me and Will lived, I always preferred being out.

Will began tapping some rhythm on the wheel as he pulled up outside Kenneth's house, Ben's car already parked up just behind ours. The taller man grinned to himself and got out of the car, shutting the door and beginning to walk down the drive, leaving me to get out and walk inside alone. Great.

Unclipping my belt as fast as I could to catch up to Will, I opened the door and hurried down the drive. By this time, Will had already stepped inside and I quickly followed.

"Will's here!" the sound of Kenneth's voice called as I shut the heavy door behind me. It was hard to hear him due to the loud music that was already playing, but as we entered the living room, it was clear to everything he said.

" his boyfriend turned up too..."

Romance And Devotion-A William Control/Kier Kemp fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now