Looking Back Through The Mirror- Will

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Title lyrics: Razor's Edge- Hate Culture- William Control

I felt like I'd managed to take every drug possible as I prised open my eyes. The white walls spun and the bright sun from behind the translucent blinds made it hard for me to keep them open.

Weren't hangovers the best thing to have?

It must have been early morning, as the warm figure that had me in a close embrace was still sleeping beside me. God, he looked beautiful. His blood red hair just covering his eyes and some of it sticking outwards, his brown eyes moving slightly under his pale eyelids as he dreamed and his pink lips half open as he breathed softly. At least someone was in a good state.

I let out a quiet groan before collapsing back on the bed, my head spinning in more ways than one and my stomach didn't feel so good. Great. I could already imagine what Kier was going to say when he wakes; "This is why you shouldn't drink!", even in my head I can already hear his soft voice. You idiot, William! I'm not surprised he hasn't walked away yet! I dreaded to think what I looked like. Poor Kier...

The minute I closed my eyes, I was back up on my feet and into the bathroom, kneeling over the toilet and throwing up my guts. Here we go, the real hangover starts here. Now praying to god that Kier wouldn't wake up now and see me like this; although I was pretty sure he'd knew what was coming today.

After several minutes of complete torture that was probably going to come again at some point, I stood up shakily and clutched my pounding head before flushing the contents of my stomach down. The reflection of myself in the mirror that stood before me had a cold glare, shaking his head.

"What an idiot! Look at the state of you!"

"Look at the state of me?! What about the state of you, fucking reflection!"

"William, you're talking to yourself. Get a grip, man.  What if Kier hears you, talking to your own reflection!"

"Fuck you!"

I was talking to myself. Maybe I'd done more than just drink last night...it wouldn't even surprise me, I wasn't exactly clean.

Drugs and alcohol. What wonderful substances to take when you invite your own boyfriend over who doesn't even accept that sort of shit. So why does he accept me?

"Little bitch..." I grumbled to myself before making my way out of the bathroom with a shiver. I looked over at the bed and saw Kier nuzzling the blankets as if he thought those were me. Sighing to myself, I sat down beside him and pulled him into my arms gently incase I woke him, which to my surprise he moved closer to me and mumbled softly under his breath something I couldn't make out.

"Kier?" I answered gently, running my fingers through his hair softly. He didn't respond, only a small hum came from his lips. I moved my head down a little to see his face, his eyes were half open as they looked up to meet mine. He smiled gently and nuzzled closer as he watched me.

I was expecting him to greet me but nothing was said. Instead, he continued laying there in my arms as he breathed softly.

"Hey, sweetheart," I whispered, continuing my gentle movements through his hair. "You okay?"

The only answer I received was a small mumble of "Tired" as he moved his head up to look at me properly, a small pout on his lips.

"I know, baby, me too."

Still holding him close, I shuffled my position and pulled the blankets over the both of us so I was sat straight, Kier on my lap and his head on my chest.

"How's your hangover treating you today, hmm?" Kier mumbled, resulting in me sighing loudly and groaning a little.

"You have no idea, honestly! I feel like shit!"

Kier chuckled. "I'm not even surprised! This is why I tell you not to!"

Sighing, I leant my head back as the walls began to spin again. Fucking fantastic. As much as I knew he was only telling me this for future reference, I had a bad enough headache as it is.

"I know, Kier." I replied bluntly, not being bothered to argue back, and a small part of me knew he was being truthful.

"S-Sorry.." he mumbled, whimpering a little. I ran my hand through his hair again affectionately to show him an apology wasn't needed, but we didn't stay like this for long.

Before I knew it, I was back up and in the bathroom, only this time Kier was with me, rubbing my back gently. Never drink alcohol, kids.

{If youre reading this, then I just wanna say thank you for being so patient with me! I've had so much going on right now, stuff I cant get into but I'm back and writing again! This chapter is just a filler, the next chapter will be much more interesting in getting the story going fully! Thanks again! -crimson control x}

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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Romance And Devotion-A William Control/Kier Kemp fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now