Shame Falls Into The Ground - Will

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(Title lyrics: The Whipping Haus - William Control - Hate Culture)

The music blasted through the house as I stepped inside and walked straight into the living room to see Kenneth and Ben sat on one sofa together, quietly laughing to themselves.

"Here he is!" Ben exclaimed, throwing his arms up dramatically and laughing as I chuckled in response and sat on a chair opposite them.

"What's he been on already?" I chuckled, turning to Kenneth to question about Ben's strangely hyper state. "Honestly, Ben, not everyone's here yet!"

"Whaaat? I've only been here 5 minutes!" he replied with a pout, folding his arms in a sulk that made me and Kenneth laugh.

"Where's your lover boy Kemp, then?" Kenneth asked me with a wink.

"He's here, but taking his goddamn time! Hurry up, Kier!"

As if on cue, Kier entered the room, a bright blush spread across his cheeks and a hand playing awkwardly through his hair.

" he turned up..." Kenneth muttered, his eyes rolling slightly.

This made Kier blush even more. I tutted dramatically loud at Kenneth's words, a laugh following. "Kenneth! That's no way to treat pretty boys, is it?"

He shrugged and laughed. "If he was, I wouldn't do it!"

Shaking my head and trying to conceal my laugh, I patted the space beside me and looked at Kier. "Pay no attention to him, Kemp! Come sit with me!"

Kier nodded and walked over to the seat, sitting beside me with nothing but a blank emotion on his face. His eyes were filled with anxiousness, but I was sure he'd settle with us soon enough. I slid an arm around his slim waist and pressed my lips to his crimson cheek, resulting in Kier moving closer in comfort.

"God, you've been here for 5 minutes!" Ben cried, pretending to throw up.

"You're just jealous you don't have a pretty boy sat next to you!" I replied with a wink. This made Kier whine, resulting in everyone laughing.

"Yeah...prettiest boy around! Nice one, Francis!" Kenneth said sarcastically laughing quietly.

"Can everyone stop being mean to my boyfriend! He only came for a good time, you know!" I exclaimed through a chuckle, although I was feeling slight sympathy for Kier. I knew what he was like, he took things way too seriously. Just like he was right now, and that was the reason Kenneth didn't want him here.

There was no other reason why none of the guys particularly liked Kier other than the fact that we spent time together, which sounds stupid from anyone's perspective. Before I got with Kier, I lived life fully doing whatever the hell I wanted whenever I wanted, and usually did this with the other 3. Drinking, drugs and girls in very little clothing hanging round us every night. We never went home. Bars, alleyways and stranger's houses were our homes. Our innocence was lost. It was perfect.

However, since I got with Kier things have been different. I stopped going out so much since he wasn't exactly one for being in a crowd, and this immediately changed the guy's perspective on me. Of course I still drank and took drugs from time to time when I got the chance to see them, but apart from this my innocence pretty much regained. I was no longer the whore who got whatever he wanted whenever; I was in a relatively healthy relationship so I couldn't exactly do what I was used to, making Kenneth especially annoyed about that. He didn't blame me for it, of course, it had always been Kier.

"Go make yourself useful then, love, and get us the drinks." Kenneth said to Kier rather sarcastically. "Grab them all from the kitchen, and don't go stealing any for yourself, yeah?"

Kier nodded immediately and stood up, taking a glance at me quickly and biting his lip before making his way into the kitchen, a slight tremble in his steps.

"I'm sorry about him, I'm sure he'll settle in soon." I spoke, sighing quietly.

"Hey, don't apologise for it, it's not entirely your fault you had to pick out such a quiet one!" Kenneth replied, making everyone in the room laugh at his tone.

Above the laughs and loud music, I just about heard Ian enter the room; everyone cheering sarcastically as he was so fashionably late.

"There's a reason why I'm late, actually!" Ian declared, taking  a seat beside me. "I went out to get some of that good shit!"

He opened a plastic bag and revealed several bottles of all different kinds of alcohol, and the whole of the room lit up with excitement.

"Well fuck yes!" Kenneth exclaimed, his eyes immediately wandering to me. "You gonna actually join us, William?"

"You know, yeah I am. It's been a while, why the fuck not?"

"That's the spirit, Francis!" Ian laughed, hitting me on the back in  a friendly manner.

"Will's boy is getting us some other bottles, we're gonna get pissed! And Will's actually joining us which is a first!" Ben exclaimed in excitement.

"We're celebrating our new album, remember! It's only one night!" I replied, my eyes wandering to the bottles impatiently. It'd been ages since I'd drank with my friends, so this was just making me more and more impatient by the minute.

As the conversation began to pick up with everyone else, I rose slowly from my seat. Nobody seemed to pay attention, yet I still spoke just in case.

"I'm off to see where the hell Kier's got to."

I made my way into the kitchen to see the bottles on the worktop, Kier reaching up to the cupboard to get the glasses.

"Need a hand?" I questioned, making my way to Kier and motioning him out of the way.

"Sorry I took so long, it's kinda hard doing this yourself!" Kier giggled as I reached up and grabbed 4 glasses, although I was sure we'd need plenty more by the time we were drunk.

"You could've asked me, y'know?" I answered as I took down the glasses and placed them on the table.

Kier looked at me in a confused manner for a moment as they were placed down.

"What's that look for?"

"You've got four glasses. You're not drinking are you?"

"Well yeah, it's not often I do, is it?"

"But you said you wouldn-"

"Look, if you've got a problem with it, go home. I'm not letting you fuck up this night for us like you already have!"

The smaller man's face fell at my words as I picked up the bottles, and not another word was spoken for several moments until I finally spoke when I realised I wasn't able to carry everything myself.

"Now me carry the glasses through."

Romance And Devotion-A William Control/Kier Kemp fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now