I'm Ready To Hurt Again- Kier

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Title lyrics: The Monster - William Control - The Pale EP

As much as Will's tone hurt as he left the room, I was used to him being like this. Especially when he was with his friends; I always got put to the side, and that was exactly what was going to happen tonight. I already knew what was going to happen and the night had only just begun.

However, I still did as Will said and carried several bottles of different alcohol into the living room where everyone was sat. Kenneth chuckled as I placed the bottles on the table in the centre of the room.

"You got everything then? Not stealing any for yourself?" He asked me with a wink.

"Of course he didn't!" Will laughed as he sat down. "My boy doesn't drink this shit, do you darling?" His tone had the obvious sarcasm, making me roll my eyes at the group. It was obvious he'd forgotten what had just happened in the kitchen.

"I wouldn't want to anyway." I muttered, taking a seat beside Will. In response to this, he immediately lunged forwards to the table and grabbed a glass and a bottle of Vodka, clearly impressed with Kenneth's choices of alcohol.

"Starting the night off strong, eh, Francis?" Kenneth exclaimed, grinning and grabbing a glass for himself.

Will laughed in response and began to fill up his glass. I sighed quietly, dreading his first sip of the drink. He hadn't drunk in ages since he got really bad when he did, and I hated it when he did. He could never just have a few drinks and that was it; once he started, he never stopped. It was the same every damn time.

Once his glass was filled to how he liked it, he turned to me and chuckled. "You having some, babe? Or are you worried about being too much of a lightweight? You are allowed to, you know, it's all there in front you!"

This made the circle laugh, including Will, at his obvious question.

"I'd rather not, thanks." I replied bluntly, rolling my eyes and leaning back against the sofa, slipping my phone from my pocket.

"Take no notice of him, Will, you don't want him spoiling everything already." Ian said, patting his shoulder gently before taking the first sip, Will nodding and tipping back his head to take a drink.

Rolling my eyes once again, I settled to the fact that the only thing that was going to keep me company tonight was social media and any random games I had on my phone. As Will was clearly leaving me to it anyway, I had no reason to worry about ignoring him too much.

*later that night*

4:45am; just like what I expected would happen. I had a firm arm around Will's waist to keep him upright as we slowly walked up the drive. He had an awfully dramatic stumble in his step, and every time he almost tripped over, he'd let out a loud laugh and continue. As Will was far too drunk to even keep himself upright, I'd figured it was a better idea to get a taxi to the house. All the way home he'd been shouting out of the window and laughing loudly to himself, singing along loudly to the radio as I got him to calm down, and on the odd occasion we'd had to stop so he could get out and throw up a lot of what had been put in him. Let's just say, it wasn't exactly a fun journey. I was the only one actually sober, and again, no surprise there. I suppose I had to be, someone had to look after him when he was in this state; everyone else at the house was in the same state as Will.

I used my free hand to grab the keys from his jacket pocket and unlocked the door, practically dragging the taller man inside and closing the door behind us. Will winced as I turned on the hallway light and a small, slurred whimper came from his lips.

"Too briiight, Kier! Turn it off!"

"I'm taking you upstairs if you give me chance..." I mumbled, sighing and looking up at the staircase; fuck knows how I was going to get him up there without him falling over several times. But the more he kept complaining, the more grew not to even care how we got there.

His full body weight leant against my arms as I took him upstairs, and practically every step Will took was a stumble and near enough a fall over. We had to stop every few seconds as his body would completely collapse against me until he gained conscious again to walk himself. Just like I said before; he was terrible when he was drunk. The worst thing was he could never even get drunk like a normal person would, Will always went too far; drank way too much and ended up in the worst state he possibly could.

"Never...getting drunk...again..." he mumbled with a slur as we reached the bedroom. I simply rolled my eyes in disbelief.

"You'll say that now..."

The minute I sat Will upright on the bed, his head fell forwards and his eyes snapped shut, his whole body slouching against the headboard. Great. At this point I wasn't too sure if he'd fallen asleep since it was pretty much daytime, or if he'd passed out from the heavy drinking. Either way, there was no chance of him waking up anytime soon, and if he did, he'd only begin complaining about the headache or the fact he was about to throw up his guts. "That's what you get for drinking, Will." I'd always tell him, but he'd never listen.

However, as much as he was absolutely terrible when he was in his drunk state, he didn't exactly do it often. The only time he'd drink like he did tonight was only the odd occasion, the other times he'd only have a little. He'd stopped going out to drink as much as he did when we got together; that's why his friends hate me so much.

I took Will's limp form in my arms and laid him down before unbuttoning his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders and slipping off his shoes. I quickly did the same to myself before climbing in beside Will and pulling the duvet across us. Will stirred slightly as I draped an arm over his tattooed chest and rested my head against his shoulder. I traced gentle patterns on his bare skin as a way of helping me sleep, and it didn't take long for me at all, as hoped.

Romance And Devotion-A William Control/Kier Kemp fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now