"Five minutes"

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Junior was now done for the day. The lights of Stork Mountain were turned off and all the employees had gone home. Junior rubbed his tired eyes as he checked off the last parts of his list. His desk lamp the only source of light he had in the entire building. With a yawn, he imagined himself already in his perch wrapped in a warm blanket and a soft pillow to rest his head on. Once he double checked his list and made sure that every delivery made it on time he shut off his desk lamp, ready to call it a night. He stretched his wings as he stood up, glancing at the clock he saw that it was passed midnight.

"Woof." He muttered. "Good thing it's the weekend." He smiled to himself as he strolled out of his office into the dark building. As he made his way passed the baby-making machine, he saw a lone light in the distance. He blinked when he realized that it was Tulip's new workshop, and also the place where she calls home since she technically lives on Stork Mountain. He thought of it as strange since she should have been asleep hours ago. He quickly made his way down a set of metal grated staircases. The stairs creaked underneath his feet as he slowly made his way closer to the source of the light. He wondered if Tulip might have accidentally left her light on. When he made it to the bottom he was greeted by the shining bulb hanging just above him in the large room.
The workshop was filled with would be inventions, still unfinished and blueprints scatter across the floor and desks she had. There was a lone twin bed at the end of the room, empty and with the blankets untouched. There was a thick white tape on the floor that outlined what exactly was her bedroom, the lines representing walls. Junior immediately saw her sitting on her chair, inthralled in a book and intensely writing in it.

"Tulip?" He called out, making her suddenly whirl back at him shutting her book in a loud slam.

"Junior!...what are you doing in my room? I told you to knock!" She said pointing to the left. Junior looked down and saw that he had crossed the border. He rolled his eyes and took a step back out of it. Tulip crossed her arms and turned away making him knock on the invisible door but he had to make the sound to get her attention.

"Yes?" She called out with her eyes shut. "Who is it?"

Junior rolled his eyes again as he is always subjected into knocking on her imaginary walls. "It's me." He said dully. "Junior. Can I come in?"

Tulip's eyes snapped open. "Hold on I'm not decent!" She yelled out, even though he saw she was still in her uniform. Tulip waited a couple of seconds before turning back around with a large smile. "Okay! Come in!"

He stepped inside making Tulip gasp in surprise as if she had hardly see him even though she said goodbye a few hours prior. "Junior! Wow! What a surprise, what brings you down here?"

He pointed to the light. "I thought you were already asleep." Her eyes shifted to the book in less than a second. He titled his his head at her and cleared his throat. "Everything okay?"

Tulip shifted in her seat, clutching her knees as she swayed side to side. "Yup! Couldn't be better I just woke up and couldn't get back to sleep you know? So I was just writing some ideas down..."

"Oh." He crossed his arms and tapped against them with his wings. "I just think it's a little weird since you're usually a deep sleeper and I have never seen you so...awake." 

"Junior." She began letting out a snort. "I'm fine! I just couldn't sleep is all, just too many things going on in my head or something..." She said turning back around on her desk. He saw her look at a picture frame that held her whole family. The one she had meet just almost a year ago. Junior had never seen so much red hair in one family. He actually thought that was rare since having red hair is usually a genetic trait-

"Uh Junior?" He blinked suddenly snapping out of it to see Tulip looking at him as if he had just grown a third wing. "You been staring at me for like a full minute, it's super creepy."

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